Best Chicken Coop Design for a Modern Homestead!

A chicken standing outside a chicken coop.

Chickens are a favorite backyard livestock animal because they are relatively easy to keep and can provide an abundance of food to homesteaders or backyard keepers. Housing your chickens in an appropriately designed chicken coop will help to keep your chickens happy, healthy, and producing food.

The ideal chicken coop design is one made from material that provides good shelter for the birds in all seasons, adequate roosting, and outdoor space for the number of birds. Ventilation, lighting, accessibility, and security are also important design considerations for the chicken coop.

Understanding the needs of your chickens is the best way to find the right chicken coop design that will provide the ideal housing for your flock. We will explore some of the best chicken coop design options and considerations you should keep in mind when planning and constructing a coop for your birds.

Choosing The Best Chicken Coop Design

Raising chickens can be a rewarding and fun experience for many people. Choosing the right chicken coop design is critical, as it can significantly impact your chickens’ comfort, safety, and overall well-being.

Whether you are a seasoned chicken farmer or a backyard enthusiast, providing your feathered friends with a comfortable and secure living space is crucial for their health and productivity.

Best Material for Chicken Coops

Choosing the right material for the construction of your chicken coop is essential for the safety, comfort, and longevity of your coop.

Several materials are used for the construction of chicken coops, and they each have their pros and cons and suitability for application in different climates.

Using Wood For Chicken Coops

Wood is a popular material for chicken coops due to its natural appearance and versatility. Cedar, cypress, and redwood are excellent options for outdoor coops, as they are naturally resistant to rot and insects.

However, wood can be relatively expensive and requires regular maintenance, such as sealing or painting, to prevent weather deterioration and protect the wood from destructive pests.

Using Metal To Build Chicken Coops

Metal chicken coops, such as those made from galvanized steel or aluminum, are incredibly durable and require minimal maintenance.

They are also resistant to pests and predators, making them an excellent choice for outdoor coops. However, they can be relatively expensive, and if not adequately insulated, they can get very hot or extremely cold, depending on the weather.

Using Plastic For Chicken Coops

Plastic coops are lightweight, easy to clean, and can be relatively inexpensive. Plastic coops are also resistant to rot and pests, making them low maintenance.

However, they are not as durable as wood or metal and may need to be replaced more frequently. Plastic can deteriorate when exposed to UV and high temperatures in hot climates.

Plastic may not be the best material for chicken coops in cold climates, as plastic doesn’t provide much insulation.

What Is The Best Material For Chicken Coops?

Overall, the best material for your chicken coop will depend on your budget, climate, and personal preferences.

If you’re building your coop from scratch, consider using a combination of materials, such as wood and metal, to create a sturdy and functional structure. Plastic coops would require insulation installed inside the coop in extreme heat or cold climates.

I prefer using a combination of metal for the structural aspects of the coop and plywood for the sides, floor, and roof. The layers in plywood offer excellent insulation properties, and a coating of non-toxic sealer protects the coop well from weather damage.

An alternative on the roof is to use metal sheeting such as corrugated roofing. Give the roof a bit of an overhang, which will help to protect the plywood sides from the rain and sun.

Additionally, make sure that any materials you choose for the coop are non-toxic to chickens and won’t harm them if ingested.

For example, don’t make your chicken coop out of pallet wood treated with toxic chemicals. These treatments are not good for your chickens’ health, and they off-gas into the coop, especially when exposed to the sun.

Space Required Per Bird In A Chicken Coop

Providing your chickens with enough space to move around and exhibit their natural behaviors is essential for their health and well-being.

The amount of space required per bird in a chicken coop will depend on several factors, including breed, age, and size.

Minimum Coop Space For Chickens

The minimum amount of space required per bird in a chicken coop is about 2-3 square feet. However, this is the bare minimum and may not be adequate for larger or more active breeds.

Therefore, providing at least 4-5 square feet of space per bird is recommended to ensure that they have enough room to move around and exercise.

Foraging Space For Chickens

Chickens also need plenty of outdoor space to roam and forage. If possible, provide them with a large, fenced-in area where they can scratch, peck, and hunt for insects.

The recommended amount of outdoor space per bird is at least 8 to 10 square feet.

Nesting Boxes In the Chicken Coop

Chickens also need access to nesting boxes to lay their eggs. Provide one nesting box for every 3 to 4 birds, and make sure the boxes are at least 12 x 12 inches and lined with clean bedding material.

If you don’t provide nesting boxes inside the coop, the birds will find a secluded, safe location to lay their eggs, and you will have to hunt around your yard to locate the eggs.

This will leave the eggs out in the open and susceptible to predators, rodents, and snakes that may seek to make a quick meal of the eggs or the hen sitting on the eggs.

Roosting Space For Chickens In A Chicken Coop

Roosting space is an essential consideration when designing a chicken coop. Chickens are social animals and prefer to roost together at night, so providing enough space to do so comfortably is essential.

The following factors should be considered when providing roosting space for your chicken flock.

  • Height. Chickens prefer to roost at higher elevations, so make sure your roosting area is at least 2-4 feet off the ground. This will also help keep them safe from predators and pests.
  • Size. Provide at least 6-10 inches of roosting space per bird. Chickens prefer a flat, wide perch to a round one, so ensure the roosting bar is at least 2 inches wide.
  • Material. The material you choose for your roosting bar is also important. Wood is a popular option, as it’s comfortable for chickens to grip and won’t get too hot or cold. Avoid using metal bars, as they can be slippery and uncomfortable for chickens to roost on.
  • Location. The location of your roosting area is also important. Chickens prefer to roost in a dark, quiet area, so ensure the roosting bar is located away from windows or bright lights.
  • Cleaning. Make sure to clean your roosting area regularly to prevent the buildup of droppings and other debris. A removable droppings board can make cleaning easier and more efficient.

Additional Considerations For Chicken Coop Design

While the material of your chicken coop and the space required per bird are important factors to consider when designing your chicken coop, several additional considerations can make a big difference in the health and happiness of your chickens.

Ventilation In The Chicken Coop

Good ventilation is essential for a healthy chicken coop. Proper ventilation helps to remove moisture and ammonia from the coop, which can cause respiratory issues for your birds.

Ensure to include vents or windows in your coop design to promote air circulation.

Lighting In The Chicken Coop

Chickens need access to light to regulate their circadian rhythms and encourage egg-laying. Natural light is the best option for this, so locate your chicken coop, where it gets a good amount of morning and late afternoon sunlight but shade during the heat of the day.

Including windows or skylights in your coop design is a good way to allow natural light to permeate the chicken coop.

You may need to provide artificial lighting in the coop during winter to mimic longer daylight hours and promote a more productive egg-laying cycle for your hens.

The light should be on a timer to switch off at a certain time of night and come on again when the sun normally rises in the summer months.

Accessibility Of the Chicken Coop

Make sure your chicken coop is accessible for cleaning and maintenance. Design features such as removable nesting boxes, easy-to-clean flooring, and a removable droppings board can make cleaning and maintenance tasks much easier.

Security Of The Chicken Coop

Protecting your chickens from predators is essential. Ensure your coop is designed to keep out predators such as raccoons, foxes, and rats. Use sturdy wire mesh to cover windows and vents, and make sure the coop door can be securely locked at night.

Providing Food And Water In The Chicken Coop

Make sure to include a designated feeding and watering area in your coop design. Provide easy access to food and water, and make sure to clean and refill these areas regularly.


Designing a chicken coop requires careful consideration of several factors, including the best material for the coop, the space required per bird, roosting space, ventilation, lighting, accessibility, security, and feeding and watering needs.

By designing a thoughtful and functional chicken coop, you can ensure your chickens are healthy, happy, and productive. With a well-designed coop, you can enjoy the benefits of fresh eggs and the joy of raising backyard chickens.


Owen Jung

Owen is the co-founder of Our Daily Homestead. Own grew up in his parent's homestead in Illinois and learned all things gardening, sustainability, and off-grid living while he was young. He now shares his knowledge through this website.

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