Best Potatoes For Storing [on a Homestead]

In the homesteading lifestyle, self-sufficiency is key, and one of the staples that often finds its way into the pantry is the humble potato. Versatile, nutritious, and delicious, potatoes are a favorite crop for many homesteaders. But not all potatoes are suitable, especially when storing them for the long term. Some varieties are champions of longevity, while others might spoil before you have a chance to enjoy them.

The best potatoes for storing are Elba, Katahdin, Burbank Russet, and German Butterball varieties, which remain fresh for 8 months when stored correctly. Other varieties are also suitable but can be stored for shorter periods. Carefully choosing the potato variety is key for long-term storage.

We will investigate the best potatoes for storing, explore the techniques that ensure they remain fresh, and provide insights from a homesteading perspective. Understanding how to store potatoes effectively is an essential skill that can lead to a more sustainable and rewarding homesteading lifestyle.

Choosing The Best Potatoes For Long-Term Storage

Storing potatoes is more than just tossing them in a bin, setting them in a dark corner, and forgetting about them. It’s an art that requires knowledge of the different potato varieties, understanding their storage capabilities, and employing proper storage techniques to preserve freshness and reduce waste.

From the well-known Yukon Gold to the robust German Butterball, each variety has unique characteristics that make them suitable (or not) for long-term storage. Planning long-term potato storage begins with selecting the best variety for this application.

This is especially true if you grow your own potatoes on the homestead. Selecting the wrong potato variety means you will have a large potato harvest that you must use quickly if the variety is not good for long-term storage.

Choosing The Right Potato Varieties For Storage

Selecting the correct potato variety is the starting point for successful potato storage. Some are perfect for long-term storage, while others are best enjoyed fresh.

Understanding the differences between these potato varieties is essential for successful homesteading. Let’s explore the best options for long-term storage and the factors that make them suitable.

The following table lists some of the best potato varieties known for their long-term storage capabilities:

VarietyStorage DurationCharacteristics
Elba6-8 monthsFirm, good for mashing
Katahdin6-8 monthsVersatile, great for baking
Red Chieftain5-7 monthsRed skin, good for boiling
Yukon Gold5-7 monthsButtery flavor, all-purpose
Burbank Russet6-8 monthsClassic baking potato
German Butterball6-8 monthsRich flavor, excellent for roasting
Yukon Gem5-7 monthsSimilar to Yukon Gold, multipurpose
Rose Finn Apple5-6 monthsUnique flavor, great for salads

These varieties are known for remaining fresh and retaining flavor and texture during storage.

Understanding Different Season Potatoes

The best potatoes for storage generally are mid- to late-season varieties. These are typically harvested in August or early September and are known for their thicker skins, which help preserve freshness.

Early-season potatoes generally have not developed sufficient size and a thick enough skin to promote long-term storage.

Potatoes To Avoid For Long-Term Storage

While many potatoes are suitable for storage, some are not ideal for long-term keeping. For example, red potatoes with thin skins may not keep as well as white or yellow potatoes.

Recognizing these differences is essential when planning your potato growing and storage strategy. Here’s a brief list of potatoes that may not be ideal for long-term storage.

  • Red Pontiac. Tends to sprout quickly.
  • New Potatoes. Best enjoyed fresh, not suitable for long-term storage.
  • Thin-Skinned Varieties. More prone to bruising and spoilage.

Choosing the right potato varieties for storage is critical in successful homestead planning for food security. By understanding different varieties’ characteristics and suitability for long-term storage, you can effectively plan your harvest and storage strategies.

Whether you prefer the rich flavor of German Butterball or the versatility of Katahdin, selecting the right potatoes will ensure that you have a steady supply of this staple food throughout the year.

Preparing Potatoes For Storage

Once you’ve selected the right potato varieties for long-term storage, the next step is to prepare them properly.

How you handle and prepare your potatoes can significantly impact their shelf life. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensuring your potatoes are ready for storage.

1. Select Undamaged Potatoes

This part of preparing potatoes for storage may be a little time-consuming, but it is a crucial step that should not be skipped. If one potato in the container begins to rot, it can quickly spoil the whole batch.

Inspect each potato carefully for any signs of bruising, cuts, or disease. Damaged potatoes can spoil quickly and affect others in storage.

Only choose healthy potatoes that are firm and unblemished spuds for long-term storage. These will have the best chance of lasting through the winter. Any potatoes that do not make the grade for storage can be set aside for use in your meals in the short term.

2. Curing The Potatoes For Storage

Potatoes should not be placed in storage immediately after harvesting. The curing process allows the potatoes to adjust from being removed from the ground and stall their internal growing processes to prevent them from sprouting.

After harvesting, allow the potatoes to cure for up to 2 weeks in a well-ventilated area. This helps to harden the potato skin and heal minor injuries. The ideal environment to cure the potatoes is to keep them in a dark, dry place at about 55-60°F (12.7°C to 15.5°C).

The potatoes should also not be bunched up on each other but spread out on a flat tray to promote airflow around the potatoes and allow moisture to escape from the skin surface.

3. Cleaning Considerations For Storing Potatoes

For many people, their first instinct after harvesting the potatoes is to wash them. This is one of the worst mistakes you can make for storing potatoes.

Avoid washing potatoes before storing them. The washing process can damage the skin, and the additional moisture can lead to mold and rot.

The only cleaning necessary after harvesting the potatoes is to remove excess soil. Gently brush off any excess soil without damaging the skin. This can be done with a soft brush or gently rubbing the potato in your hands.

Always ensure your potatoes are thoroughly dry before placing them in storage. This is part of the reason proper curing of the potatoes before storage is so important.

Preparing potatoes for long-term storage is a task that requires diligence to perform all the steps and avoid taking shortcuts. From the initial selection of undamaged spuds to the critical curing process and thoughtful cleaning considerations, each step plays a vital role in preserving the quality and longevity of your potatoes.

Mistakes in this phase can lead to spoilage and waste, undermining the efforts of successful homesteading. By adhering to these guidelines and avoiding common pitfalls, you can ensure that your potatoes remain fresh, nutritious, and ready to enjoy throughout the seasons.

The wisdom in these preparation techniques lies in their simplicity and effectiveness, reflecting the essence of homesteading: making the most of nature’s bounty through mindful practices.

Creating The Ideal Potato Storage Environment

Storing potatoes is not just about putting them away in a dark corner. Creating the ideal storage environment is crucial for maintaining the quality of your potatoes and extending their shelf life.

Creating the right storage conditions for potatoes requires being mindful of the storage containers, location, temperature, humidity, and ventilation control.

Here’s how to create the perfect conditions for storing potatoes in a homesteading setting.

  • Choose the right location. Store your cured potatoes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. A basement or cellar is often ideal.
  • Use the proper containers. Paper bags, cardboard boxes, or burlap sacks are preferred. Avoid plastic, as it can trap moisture.
  • Maintain the ideal temperature. Potatoes are best kept around 45°F to 50°F (7.2°C to 10°C). Too cold, and they may turn sweet; too warm, and they may sprout.
  • Avoid using the fridge or freezer. Storing potatoes in the fridge or freezer can alter their texture and flavor.
  • Maintain the correct humidity. Potatoes store best in a well-ventilated, humid environment. Aim for about 80-90% humidity.
  • Provide Ventilation: Ensure good airflow to prevent mold and mildew. Slatted crates or bins with holes can be useful.
  • Inspect the potatoes regularly. Check the potatoes regularly for signs of spoilage and remove any that are going bad.
  • Avoid storing potatoes with certain foods. Some fruits and vegetables, like apples and onions, can cause potatoes to spoil faster.
  • Consider pest control in your potato storage area. Protect your stored potatoes from rodents and insects.

Creating the ideal storage environment for potatoes is a nuanced process that requires a balance of temperature, humidity, and ventilation. It’s not just about finding a spot in the pantry but understanding the specific needs of potatoes and providing them with the right conditions to thrive.

By following the guidelines we have outlined, you can create a storage system that not only preserves the freshness of your potatoes but also extends their storage capability for as long as possible. Whether it’s the choice of containers or the careful control of temperature, each decision reflects a commitment to making the most of your potato harvest.

Common Potato Storage Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Storing potatoes might seem straightforward, but several pitfalls can jeopardize the longevity and quality of your stored harvest. By being aware of these common storage mistakes and learning how to avoid them, you can ensure that your potatoes remain fresh and edible for months to come.

Potato Storage Mistakes And Solutions
Storing Damaged Potatoes
Including bruised, cut, or diseased potatoes in storage.
Always inspect your potatoes before storing them. Damaged potatoes can rot quickly and can affect the others in storage. Remove and consume or compost any that show signs of damage.
Incorrect Storage Conditions
Storing potatoes in areas that are too warm, too cold, or exposed to light.
Ensure that your storage area maintains a consistent temperature of around 45 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep potatoes out of direct sunlight, as this can cause them to become green and develop solanine, a toxic compound.
Using Plastic Bags
Storing potatoes in plastic bags or containers that trap moisture.
Use breathable containers like paper bags, burlap sacks, or cardboard boxes. These allow for adequate ventilation and prevent mold and mildew.
Storing With Ethylene-Producing Fruits
Storing potatoes near fruits like apples or tomatoes that produce ethylene gas.
Ethylene can cause potatoes to sprout prematurely. Store potatoes separately from ethylene-producing fruits and vegetables.
Not Checking The Stored Potatoes Regularly
Neglecting to inspect stored potatoes for signs of spoilage.
Regularly check your stored potatoes. Remove and discard any that show signs of rotting, sprouting, or other spoilage to prevent the spread to other potatoes.
Overcrowding Storage Containers
Packing too many potatoes into a single container restricts airflow.
Ensure that potatoes are stored in a manner that allows for good airflow. Overcrowding can lead to moisture buildup and faster spoilage.

Effectively storing potatoes is as much about avoiding mistakes as it is about following best practices. By being vigilant and proactive, you can sidestep common pitfalls and ensure that your potato harvest remains in prime condition for the long haul.

In homesteading, every bit of knowledge and every ounce of prevention can lead to a more sustainable and rewarding experience. With these insights into common mistakes and their solutions, you’re well-equipped to make the most of your potato storage endeavors.

Other Ways To Preserve Potatoes

While long-term storage is a common method for preserving potatoes, it’s not the only way. Several other techniques can be used to extend the shelf life of your potatoes and add variety to your homesteading preservation methods. Here’s a look at some alternative ways to preserve potatoes.

Freezing Your Potatoes

Raw potatoes tend to lose their flavor and texture when preserved in a freezer. The flavor becomes sweet, and the texture takes on a grainy, powdery aspect that many people find unpleasant.

The following is the best way to store potatoes in a freezer.

  • Potato preparation. Cut and blanch the potatoes before freezing to maintain texture and flavor.
  • Storage. Store in airtight containers or freezer bags.
  • Using frozen potatoes. Ideal for hash browns, fries, or casseroles.
  • Storage time. Blanched potatoes can store for 10 to 12 months in a freezer.

Canning Potatoes For Long-Term Storage

Many homesteaders include canning in their long-term food storage strategy. Canning potatoes require more work than storing whole, raw potatoes, but the storage time can be extended when keeping potatoes this way.

The following method can be used to can potatoes for long-term storage.

  • Preparation. Peel and cook potatoes before canning. Follow proper canning procedures to ensure safety.
  • Storage. Store canned potatoes in a cool, dark place.
  • Use. Great for stews, soups, or mashed potatoes.
  • Storage duration. 3 to 5 years.

The main downside to canning potatoes is the requirement to have the necessary canning equipment available.

Dehydrating Potatoes For Storage

Dehydrating potatoes is another method of long-term storage you can use to extend the time you can store your potato harvest.

  • Preparation. Slice thinly and blanch before dehydrating.
  • Storage. Store dehydrated potatoes in airtight containers in a cool, dry place.
  • Use. Rehydrate for use in soups, stews, or casseroles.
  • Storage duration. Dehydrated potatoes can be stored for up to 25 years if the dehydration process has been performed correctly and the dehydrated potatoes are stored correctly.

Fermenting Potatoes For Storage

Fermenting food is another homesteading skill that can help you to extend the shelf-life of food produced in your garden.

The following is a basic outline of how to ferment potatoes for long-term storage.

  • Preparation. Cut into desired shapes and ferment using a salt brine.
  • Storage. Store fermented potatoes in the refrigerator.
  • Use. Adds a unique flavor to your cooking and can be enjoyed as a side.
  • Storage duration. One to two years.

To make the fermented potatoes a little more interesting, you can add carrots, ginger, garlic, onion, and some crushed chilies to enhance the flavor.

Preserving potatoes is a multifaceted endeavor that goes beyond traditional storage methods. Each technique offers unique benefits, from freezing to fermenting, and allows for diverse culinary applications.

Embracing these alternative preservation methods not only adds variety to your pantry but also aligns with the principles of resourcefulness and sustainability that are central to homesteading.

Whether you’re looking to enjoy your potatoes in a hearty winter stew or as a fermented delicacy, these preservation techniques provide the flexibility and creativity to make the most of your potato harvest all year round.


Potatoes are more than just a staple homestead food; they symbolize sustenance, versatility, and the earth’s generosity. Choosing the homesteading lifestyle, where self-reliance and sustainability are paramount, understanding how to store and preserve potatoes becomes an essential skill.

From selecting the right varieties like Yukon Gold and German Butterball to mastering the art of preparation and creating the ideal storage environment, each step in the process is a testament to the thoughtful stewardship of nature’s bounty. Avoiding common mistakes, exploring alternative preservation methods, and embracing the principles of mindful storage reflect the holistic approach that defines the homesteading lifestyle.

Beyond the techniques and guidelines, what resonates most is the connection between the land and the table, the harmony between growing and preserving, and the joy of savoring the fruits of one’s labor throughout the seasons. Whether you’re a seasoned homesteader or embarking on a journey towards self-sufficiency, this comprehensive guide can serve as a valuable resource, a practical companion, and a reminder of the simple yet profound pleasure of storing and enjoying the humble potato.



Alice is a writer who grew up on a beautiful homestead in rural Old England. She now lives in New England with her fur babies and is on a mission to return to the land for a simpler, greener, and all-round kinder existence.

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