Keeping Ducks On The Homestead [A GUIDE]

Keeping ducks on the homestead may not be your first choice when considering keeping poultry. However, there are some good reasons to keep ducks in mind to complement keeping chickens or instead of chickens on the homestead. Ducks can be an asset to your homestead in several ways.

Ducks can be a significant addition to your homestead. They offer a hardier poultry option for your livestock and can provide meat and eggs to increase sustainability on the homestead. Other benefits from ducks include their manure as fertilizer and their pest control abilities while foraging.

We will explore the practicalities and benefits of keeping ducks on a homestead, the best duck breeds for homesteading, and practical tips for raising and caring for these creatures. Whether you’re an experienced homesteader or a beginner looking to include these birds in your livestock, we have some expert tips and advice for you!

Why Keep Ducks On The Homestead?

Ducks are more than just adorable birds; they’re low-maintenance animals that can provide a wealth of benefits to any homestead. From providing fresh eggs and meat to acting as natural pest controllers, ducks can be valuable to your homestead ecosystem.

The Benefits Of Keeping Ducks On The Homestead

Ducks are often overlooked in favor of chickens when it comes to homesteading. We will examine some of the main advantages that encourage an increasing number of homesteaders to consider keeping ducks with chickens or instead of chickens.

  1. Low-Maintenance Animals. Ducks are hardy creatures that require minimal care compared to other livestock. They are less prone to common poultry diseases and can thrive in various weather conditions. Their robust nature makes them a great choice for busy homesteaders.
  2. Ducks Provide Eggs and Meat. One of the primary reasons homesteaders choose to keep ducks is for their eggs and meat. Duck eggs are rich in nutrients and have a unique flavor many enjoy. They’re also excellent for baking due to their high fat content. Regarding meat, ducks offer a delicious and lean alternative to chicken.
  3. Ducks for Entertainment. Ducks are not just productive, but they’re also entertaining. Their playful antics and social behavior can bring joy and life to your homestead. Watching them waddle around and interact with each other can be a source of amusement for both adults and children alike.
  4. Ducks and Homestead Sustainability. Ducks contribute to the sustainability of a homestead in several ways. They are excellent foragers, eating a variety of pests that can harm your garden. Their droppings also serve as a fantastic natural fertilizer, enriching your soil and promoting plant growth.
  5. Ducks are Hardier Than Chickens. Ducks have better-developed immune systems than chickens, which makes them less susceptible to disease than chickens. Ducks can also handle cold weather better than chickens, making them an option in climates too cold for keeping chickens.
  6. Ducks and Garden Health. Ducks can play a significant role in maintaining the health of your garden. They have an insatiable appetite for bugs, slugs, and other garden pests that can damage your plants. By allowing your ducks to roam in your garden, you’re employing a natural form of pest control.

In the following sections, we’ll delve deeper into these benefits and provide practical tips on how to raise ducks on your homestead. Whether you’re looking to diversify your food sources, improve your garden health, or simply add more life to your homestead, ducks can be an excellent choice.

Understanding Ducks: A Homesteader’s Guide

Before you embark on your journey of keeping ducks on your homestead, it’s crucial to understand their nature and behavior. This knowledge will help you decide whether ducks suit your homestead, how to care for them, and maximize the benefits they bring to your homestead.

Ducks are great foragers. One of the key characteristics of ducks is their ability to forage. They have a natural instinct to search for their food, including various pests, grass, and weeds. This makes them an excellent choice for natural pest control and can help keep your garden healthy.

Ducks require plenty of water. As waterfowl, ducks have a strong affinity for water. They use it for drinking, cleaning themselves, and even playing. Providing a water source, like a pond or a kiddie pool, can keep your ducks happy and healthy.

The water source should be shallow enough to prevent ducklings from drowning. If water is a scarce commodity where you homestead, ducks may not be the best choice of poultry to keep on your property.

Ducks are good for a homestead. Ducks contribute to the homestead in many ways. They provide eggs and meat, help control pests, and even contribute to the health of your garden through their droppings. They are also hardy and adaptable, making them suitable for different climates and environments.

Understanding these aspects of duck behavior and characteristics can help you create a suitable duck-friendly environment on your homestead.

The Role Of Ducks In Pest Control

One of the most significant benefits of keeping ducks on your homestead is their role in natural pest control. Ducks have a voracious appetite for various pests that can otherwise wreak havoc on your garden or crops. Let’s delve into how ducks can help keep your homestead pest-free.

  • Ducks decimate slugs and snails. If you’ve ever had a garden, you know how much damage slugs and snails can cause. They can quickly decimate your plants, leaving you with a less productive garden. Ducks, however, love to eat these pests. They can spend hours each day hunting for slugs and snails, helping to keep their population in check.
  • Ducks are not picky eaters. They will happily eat a variety of pests, including bugs, slugs, snakes, and spiders. This wide-ranging diet makes them an excellent choice for natural pest control. Allowing your ducks to roam freely in your garden or fields can help reduce the population of these pests.
  • Ducks promote a healthy garden. By eating pests, ducks can contribute significantly to the health of your garden. Pests can damage your plants, reducing their productivity and growth. By keeping the pest population in check, ducks can help ensure your plants remain healthy and productive.

Ducks can play a significant role in pest control on your homestead. Their natural foraging behavior and diverse diet make them a valuable ally in maintaining the health of your garden and crops.

Ducks do not scratch while they forage like chickens, potentially damaging seedlings in your garden. However, they may trample smaller plants, and they will eat strawberry and young lettuce plants. It would be best to keep the ducks out of your strawberry patch and the area of the garden where you have started your lettuce crop.

Raising Ducks After Chickens: A Natural Step

Adding ducks to your flock can be a natural next step if you’ve already ventured into raising chickens on your homestead. Ducks offer unique benefits that complement those of chickens, and they can coexist peacefully with minimal adjustments.

Here’s why raising ducks can be a logical progression after chickens.

  • Ducks can adapt to small enclosures. While ducks appreciate having space to roam and forage, they can also adapt to smaller enclosures. If you’re already keeping chickens, you likely have a coop or run that can be modified or expanded to accommodate ducks. However, remember that ducks don’t roost like chickens, so they’ll need a secure place on the ground to sleep.
  • Ducks water requirements. Unlike chickens, ducks are waterfowl. They need it for drinking, bathing, and playing. If you add ducks to a chicken flock, consider their water needs. A shallow pond or a large water dish can usually suffice.
  • Variety of eggs and meat. Ducks offer a different type of egg and meat than chickens. Duck eggs are larger and richer, making them excellent for baking. Duck meat is also a tasty alternative to chicken. You can diversify your homestead’s food sources by raising both chickens and ducks.
  • Ducks are excellent foragers. Adding ducks to your homestead can enhance your pest control efforts if your chickens are free-range. Ducks are excellent foragers and can help with pest control by eating critters that chickens might not eat.

Choosing The Best Duck Breeds For Homesteading

When it comes to keeping ducks on your homestead, choosing the right breed is crucial. Different breeds have different characteristics, including size, egg production, foraging ability, and temperament.

Here are some of the best duck breeds for homesteading and a quick comparison of the breeds.

Duck BreedSizeEgg ProductionForaging AbilityMeat ProductionComments
PekinLargeHigh (200/year)ModerateExcellentPekin ducks are one of the most popular duck breeds for homesteading. They’re large birds known for their meat production and friendly nature. Pekins are also good layers.
Khaki CampbellMediumVery High (300/year)HighGoodIf egg production is your primary goal, Khaki Campbell ducks are an excellent choice. They’re also small and hardy, making them a good choice for smaller homesteads.
Indian RunnerMediumHigh (200-250/year)ExcellentGoodIndian Runner ducks are known for their unique upright stance and excellent foraging abilities. They’re good layers and can help significantly with pest control.
MuscovyLargeModerate (100-150/year)ExcellentExcellentMuscovy ducks are a bit different from other duck breeds as they’re technically a different species. They’re excellent foragers and produce lean, flavorful meat. Muscovies are also quiet as they don’t quack like other ducks.

The best duck breed for your homestead depends on your specific needs and circumstances. Consider factors such as space, your egg or meat production goals, and the amount of time you can dedicate to caring for your ducks.

Practical Tips For Keeping Ducks On The Homestead

Now that you understand the benefits of ducks and the best breeds for homesteading let’s explore some practical tips for keeping ducks on your homestead. These tips will help ensure your ducks are healthy, happy, and productive.

  • Provide adequate water. As we’ve mentioned, ducks love water. They need it for drinking, cleaning themselves, and even playing. Ensure you have a water source that’s large enough for your ducks to get into but shallow enough to prevent drowning, especially for ducklings.
  • Create a safe shelter. Ducks need a safe place to rest and sleep. While they don’t roost like chickens, they still need protection from predators and harsh weather. A duck house or pen that’s secure, well-ventilated, and provides ample space for all your ducks is essential.
  • Feed ducks well. While ducks are excellent foragers, they’ll still need supplemental feed, especially during the colder months when foraging opportunities may be limited. Commercial duck feed or a high-quality chicken layer feed can provide the necessary nutrients.
  • Allow your ducks to forage. Ducks are natural pest controllers. Allow them to roam your garden or yard to forage for pests. This not only keeps your ducks happy but also helps maintain the health of your garden.
  • Regular health checks for ducks. Regularly check your ducks for any signs of illness or injury. Early detection can make treatment easier and prevent the spread of diseases within your flock.
  • Consider a mixed poultry flock. Ducks can be a great addition if you already have chickens or are considering them. They generally get along well with chickens and can provide a good balance in a mixed flock.

Keeping ducks can bring a new dimension of food production to your homestead and be a rewarding experience. Ducks’ unique benefits and charming personalities can be a fantastic addition to any homestead.

Ducks On The Homestead FAQs

This section will address some of the questions most frequently asked about keeping ducks on the homestead. These answers should provide additional insights and help clarify any uncertainties you might have.

1. Can I Keep A Duck In My Backyard?

You can keep ducks in your backyard if you provide them with the necessary care and resources. This includes a safe, comfortable shelter, water source, and adequate food. However, it’s important to check local regulations as some areas may restrict keeping livestock.

2. Do Ducks Need A Pond?

While ducks love water, they don’t necessarily need a pond. A kiddie pool or a large water dish can suffice. They need water for drinking, cleaning, and general well-being. However, the water source should be shallow enough to prevent ducklings from drowning.

3. How Long Do Ducks Live?

A duck’s lifespan can vary depending on the breed, diet, and care. On average, domestic ducks live between 8-12 years. Some breeds may live longer with proper care.

4. How Many Ducks Should I Start With?

Ducks are social animals and do best in groups. If you’re just starting, a small flock of 2-4 ducks is a good number. You can always add more ducks as you become more comfortable with their care.

5. Do Ducks Need A Lot Of Care?

While ducks are generally hardy and low-maintenance animals, they do require basic care. This includes providing a safe shelter, a water source, adequate food, and regular health checks. It’s also important to protect them from predators and extreme weather conditions.


Keeping ducks on the homestead can be a rewarding and beneficial endeavor. These charming creatures provide valuable resources like eggs and meat and contribute significantly to your homestead’s health and sustainability. They are excellent foragers, effective pest controllers, and their droppings can even enrich your soil.

Successful duck-keeping requires understanding their needs and behaviors. Providing adequate water and safe shelter and allowing them to express their natural foraging behavior are key to raising happy and healthy ducks.


Owen Jung

Owen is the co-founder of Our Daily Homestead. Own grew up in his parent's homestead in Illinois and learned all things gardening, sustainability, and off-grid living while he was young. He now shares his knowledge through this website.

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