Do Hibiscus Like Coffee Grounds? [PLANT 101]

Do Hibiscus Like Coffee Grounds?

As a busy gardener or homesteader, we sometimes get overwhelmed taking care of so many plants, vegetables and the like. Even after taking into account how rich your soil is and other important factors such as light, water, and temperature, your plants may not be quite as you would like.

When you hear the word ‘garden hack’ your eyes probably light up. One I have heard recently is the idea of putting coffee grounds on your hibiscus. But is there any truth to this or is it just an old wives’ tale? That’s what I hope to get to the bottom of today 🙂

This, and much more about the relationship between coffee and hibiscus, is discussed below….

Do Hibiscus Like Coffee Grounds?

Coffee grounds can be used as fertilizer for hibiscus plants. Cacao, nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium are all found in coffee grounds. Hibiscus plants require a fertilizer with a medium to high nitrogen (N) content, low phosphorus or phosphate (P) content, and a high potash (K) content.

Can I Add Coffee Grounds To My Hibiscus?

Yes! No matter how strange this may sound, hibiscus benefits from coffee grounds. Coffee grounds provide nitrogen and potassium to hibiscus plants that help as fertilizers. First, dry the coffee powder for 2-3 days and then sprinkle it on the soil, trunk, and the upper part of the hibiscus.

What Is The Best Fertilizer For Hibiscus Plants?

Besides common requirements such as light, water, and temperature, hibiscus also needs fertilizers. The best fertilizer for hibiscus plants is rich in potassium, moderate in nitrogen, and low in phosphorus content, for example, coffee grounds. Fertilizing on two weekly bases ensures good care for hibiscus plants.

What Plants Benefit Coffee Grounds?

Fresh (unbrewed) coffee grounds have higher acid than used coffee grounds, slightly acidic. Fresh grounds can help acid-loving plants like azaleas, hydrangeas, blueberries, rhododendrons, lily of the valley, carrots, and radishes.

Do Coffee Grounds Attract Rats?

Used coffee grounds are unlikely to repel rats, although rats don’t like to consume them, and they quickly cook the compost. If you have rats visiting your compost, adding large amounts of chili pepper flakes, which are also available in bulk, will typically drive them away.

What Causes Hibiscus Leaves To Turn Pale Yellow And Then Drop Off?

Watering causes yellowing of hibiscus leaves. Hibiscus leaves can become yellow whether they have been given too much water or no water. Inadequate watering can cause the hibiscus leaf to turn pale yellow. Check the soil to verify whether the hibiscus plant is getting the required water or not with your finger.

Is Coffee Ideal For Hibiscus Plants?

Coffee grounds have small acidic power. Thus they are ideal for acid-loving plants. Hibiscus plants prefer coffee as a great fertilizer. However, excessive contact with coffee powder may prevent hibiscus plants from receiving enough water content.

What Does Coffee Do For Houseplants?

Coffee grinds (and brewed coffee) provide nitrogen to plants, resulting in healthy green growth and strong stems. Coffee also has calcium and magnesium, which are essential to plant health. To use coffee as a plant fertilizer, dilute it first.

How Often Should I Put Coffee Grounds On My Hibiscus?

Coffee grounds are essential if you practice vermicomposting using a worm bin since worms adore them. To feed their addiction, add a cup of grinds per week to a tiny bin. Avoid adding too much at once because the acidity may harm your worms.

What Plants Do Not Benefit From Coffee Grounds?

The grinds are usually too acidic to be applied directly to the soil, even for acid-loving plants like blueberries, azaleas, and hollies. Some plants, such as geranium, asparagus fern, Chinese mustard, and Italian ryegrass, are not benefited from coffee grounds.

Is It Good To Water Plants With Coffee?

Coffee grounds have the potential benefit of adding to the soil’s organic matter. The addition can increase drainage, soil aeration, and water retention, which helps keep your plants healthy and blossoming—using coffee powder with water once a week will surely benefit the plant.

How Do I Cut Back My Hibiscus?

Hibiscus plants should be pruned about a third back, leaving at least two to three nodes on the branches for new growth. Cut to be made about a quarter-inch above the nodes. Remove any weak, diseased, or dead branches and any crossing or leggy.

Is Epsom Salt Good For Hibiscus?

Epsom salt includes magnesium and sulfur, which aid plants in absorbing nitrogen and phosphorus and producing chlorophyll. Gardeners of roses, hibiscus, and vegetables have discovered that it stimulates bushier plants with superior blooms and fruits. Sprinkle around the plant and water in, or combine with water to make a foliar spray.

How Much Water Does A Hibiscus Need?

Tropical hibiscus is a thirsty plant that requires enough water to flourish and produce blossoms. Depending on the temperature, wind, and humidity, your plant may require daily watering or even twice a day in particularly dry conditions. It could require one to two inches of water every week.


Is Vinegar Good For Hibiscus Plants?

If your hibiscus has pale, unhealthy-looking, or yellow leaves, it may be deficient in acid. A simple water and vinegar treatment could quickly correct this and get your plant fighting fit again. Watering hibiscus blooms with vinegar may help by temporarily increasing the acidity of the atmosphere around their roots.

Are Coffee Grounds Good For Potted Plants?

Yes! When used as a mulch, insecticide, compost, or fertilizer, coffee grinds can be extremely useful to houseplants. Just be careful not to overdo it on the coffee, as too much caffeine can impede plant growth and raise the risk of fungal diseases. Like us humans, some like having one or two cups of coffee while some don’t prefer it much.

Why Is My Hibiscus Plant Not Flowering?

It is common for your plants not to blossom when they are young. Many hibiscuses prefer to be 3-4 feet tall before blooming, while a few kinds bloom quite slowly. Don’t worry if your hibiscus is young and has not bloomed yet. If still, your flower is not blooming, check what’s missing. It may be the correct amount of fertilizer or the temperature.

Are Coffee Grounds Good For Flowering Plants?

Coffee grinds are a great source of slow-release nitrogen. And nitrogen is essential for flowering and vegetable plant production. You may use coffee grounds to enrich your soil and offer a superb foundation for your flowering plants, as they contain trace minerals and retain moisture better than other soil types.

How Do I Get My Hibiscus To Bloom More?

Start the plant in the shade and gradually increase the time in full sun over a seven to ten-day period. As it adjusts to its new surroundings, the plant may lose part of its leaves. Because hibiscus flowers on new wood, your plant should begin to bloom as the new growth grows.

Do Coffee Grounds Fight Mites?

Coffee grounds are a safe and effective technique to keep pests at bay. Coffee grounds can help repel mosquitos and other bothersome insects such as wasps and bees. Coffee grinds have a strong odor, which becomes considerably stronger when burned.

Which Plants Do Not Like Coffee Grounds?

Because coffee grounds are quite acidic, they recommend saving them for acid-loving plants like azaleas and blueberries. If your soil is already high in nitrogen, the additional nitrogen from coffee grinds may hinder the growth of fruits and flowers.


You need special care and preventive measures to make your garden plants like hibiscus look and grow well. Using coffee grounds will greatly benefit you if your garden includes acid-loving plants like hibiscus, azaleas, and blueberries. You can also use coffee with water other than just powder. If used in balanced quantities, coffee grounds prove to be the best fertilizer for hibiscus plants. Knowing what suits your flowers will help them grow as you expect.


Alice is a writer who grew up on a beautiful homestead in rural Old England. She now lives in New England with her fur babies and is on a mission to return to the land for a simpler, greener, and all-round kinder existence.

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