Hibiscus Leaves Curling Up? What’s the Problem?

Hibiscus Leaves Curling Up

If you’re noticing your hibiscus leaves curling up, don’t worry – you’re not alone! This is a common problem that can be caused by a number of factors, including temperature, humidity, and pests (as a part of the Mallow group of flowers, Hibiscus are unfortunately rather prone to pests!).

Fortunately, it’s usually easy to fix. Check out this blog post for more information on how to troubleshoot and fix hibiscus leaves that are curling up.

Why Do My Hibiscus Leaves Curl?

Several things produce leaf curl. Where plants grow may be picky. Too much light causes leave to curl to avoid scalding. Insufficient sunlight causes leaves to curl. In response to incorrect watering and nourishment, plants twist and shed their leaves. Hibiscus foliage shows plant requirements.

What Does It Mean When Leaves Curl Upward?

If a plant isn’t receiving enough water, its leaves can wilt or curl up. However, overwatering can also produce leaf curl. Leaf roll may also be triggered by extreme heat and dryness.

Leaves curl upwards to reduce photosynthesis, transpiration, and dehydration. Curling leaves with wrinkles, yellow patches, and pests like aphids, mealy bugs, etc., indicate a pest invasion.

How Do I Know If My Hibiscus Is Overwatered?

If your green plant is ailing, you may have overwatered. It may be hard to detect whether a plant is withering due to poor health or inadequate water. Also, edema indicates overwatering. If a plant absorbs too much water, its cells enlarge and stress.

Yellowing leaves and falling new growth are signs of overwatering. Overwatering shows in the plant’s leaves, blooms, and roots.

How Do You Fix Curling Leaves?

Apply Copper oxychloride, lime sulfur, or Bordeaux mixture. The prevention of leaf curls also includes bagging damaged foliage and fruit. Remove any dead leaves, branches, or fruit that have fallen under the tree. These components may allow spores to survive the winter and reinfect trees.

What Are The Pests That Result In Hibiscus Leaves Curling Up?

Leaf curling may be caused by various insect pests sucking plant fluids from fresh or developing leaves. They include aphids and whiteflies, as well as other pests. Diseases such as hibiscus leaf curl may cause curled, crimson, puckered leaves on Hibiscus and nectarines if you observe them on your plants.

What Are The Reasons Behind The Curling Of Leaves?

Leaves that curl are often the result of insect damage, illness, or even herbicides. Leaf curling may be caused by various insect pests sucking plant fluids from fresh or developing leaves. They include aphids and whiteflies, as well as other pests. Leaf curls in Hibiscus may also be caused by a lack of manganese in the plant’s diet.

When Is The Best Time Of Year To Water Hibiscus?

Water your Hibiscus daily throughout the hottest months of the year. If you water your Hibiscus too much in the summer, you risk killing it. Water your Hibiscus sparingly throughout the cold months.

Always use warm water when watering your plants. It’s better to use warm tap water than cold water from the faucet to water your plants.

What Do You Do If Your Hibiscus Is Overworked?

Dig 6 inches deep to check the soil moisture surrounding wilting plants. Wilting might indicate little or excessive water. Heat-stressed plants need water and shade. Spread an organic mulch around plants when temps surpass 85 degrees to reduce heat stress.

Hail- or wind-damaged leaves and stems should be trimmed. Fertilize discolored plants to ease nutritional stress.

How Can You Give Hibiscus A Little Lift?

You may also stake Hibiscus using bamboo poles. Stick it in the dirt an inch away from the plant and use twist ties to secure it. This will sustain the plant till it’s strong enough. Feed Hibiscus every two weeks with a flowering plant fertilizer, such as Alaska Morbloom Fertilizer 0-10-10, stimulating blooming and root development.

Is Hibiscus A Sun-Loving Plant?

Since Hibiscus thrives in hot, humid climates, it requires a lot of direct sunshine to develop. Give it six hours of direct sunlight a day, and it will thrive. When growing Hardy Hibiscus, it is recommended that you place it in direct sunlight. Growth and blooming will be hampered in partial shade. Perennial flower beds are the best place to grow Hibiscus.

Is The Fungus Responsible For The Curling Of The Hibiscus Leaves?

The fungus Taphrina deformans cause hibiscus leaf curl. The fungus can overwinter on the tree’s trunk or on the leaves that have died and then awaken in the early spring. New leaves with spots on them get distorted and puckered, eventually becoming black and dropping off the plant.

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Leaf Curl Permanently?

Using sulfur or copper as active ingredients, Fungicides are effective against leaf curl on peaches and nectarines. Apply a second round of spraying in the early spring.

There is no treatment for hibiscus leaf curl, but the gardener may assist the afflicted tree in preparing for a healthy new year.


How Often Should We Water Hibiscus?

Hibiscus plants require regular watering in the hot summer months, but the soil should have great drainage to avoid waterlogging its roots. Garden hibiscus should be irrigated every other day, whereas container hibiscus requires daily attention. Hibiscus has to be let to dry out completely before being watered again during the winter inside.

Does Hibiscus Thrive In Pots?

Hibiscus may be grown in pots or on the ground, but for the most part, people choose to grow them in containers since they are simpler to maintain.

A smaller container with drainage holes is ideal for hibiscus plants, which appreciate a close fit around their roots.

Does Hibiscus Enjoy Coffee Grounds?

Because coffee grounds contain a little acid, they are an excellent fertilizer for plants that do best when grown in naturally acidic soil. To provide one example, plants that need a pH range from 3.0 to 5.5 would thrive in this environment.

What Are The Reasons Behind The Crunchy Leaves On Hibiscus Plants?

If there is an excessive amount of nitrogen, it will damage the leaves, resulting in a shrinking effect. In general, hibiscuses have a high need for the mineral potassium. There will be issues if an excessive quantity of the wrong kind of fertilizer is used.

What Are Several Different Diseases That May Cause Hibiscus Leaf Curling?

Various diseases may result in the curling of hibiscus leaf; some of them are mentioned below:

  • Root rot caused by Armillaria
  • Bacterial stains on the leaves
  • Blight caused by botrytis (grey mold)
  • Leaf spots
  • Root and crown rots are present.
  • Viruses- chlorotic ringspot of the Hibiscus

What Are The Finest Spray-On Hibiscus Leaves As They Start To Curl?

It is strongly recommended that you use an organic pesticide such as neem oil or an insecticidal soap solution. Both of these options are available to you. If you are a gardener, you are not permitted to use any soap spray offered to the general public.


Plants of the genus Hibiscus grow best in warm and tropical regions and have soil that drains properly and receives enough water. You may use neem oil and other low-impact agronomic oils to treat leaf curl, which is a condition that pests can cause.

Giving your Hibiscus the attention it deserves will reward you with breathtaking blooms and emerald-green leaves.

Owen Jung

Owen is the co-founder of Our Daily Homestead. Own grew up in his parent's homestead in Illinois and learned all things gardening, sustainability, and off-grid living while he was young. He now shares his knowledge through this website.

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