Keeping Bees On The Homestead

If you’re considering keeping bees on your homestead, you’re about to embark on a journey that is not only rewarding but also contributes significantly to the environment and your self-reliance. Many beginners are reluctant to start keeping bees because they don’t know where to start and what’s involved. With our guidance, you can confidently begin your beekeeping adventure on the homestead.

Keeping bees on the homestead is a great option in your journey toward self-sufficiency and sustainability, and it can generate income for the homestead from the various products from the bees. Bees can also directly benefit the homestead with pollination if you grow your own food.

This guide to keeping bees on the homestead is geared towards beginners, from the initial stages of preparation to the joy of harvesting your first batch of honey. Beekeeping is not as difficult or labor-intensive as many think, but it requires some specialist knowledge to get started. Whether you’re a novice homesteader or an experienced homesteader considering this path, our guide will equip you with the knowledge and confidence you need to keep bees on your homestead successfully.

Why Choose To Keep Bees On The Homestead?

Bees are, in my opinion, one of the best animals to keep on the homestead. I may be a little biased because we have been keeping bees for several years.

Bees are remarkable creatures that play a crucial role in pollination, helping our gardens to thrive and produce bountiful harvests. But their benefits extend beyond the garden. They also provide us with honey, a natural sweetener packed with health benefits, and beeswax, a versatile substance used in various homemade products.

Choosing to keep bees on your homestead is a decision that brings with it a myriad of benefits. Not only does it contribute to the overall health and productivity of your homestead, but it also provides you with an opportunity to contribute positively to the environment and achieve a greater level of self-reliance.

1. The Environmental Contribution To Keeping Bees

Bees are nature’s most industrious pollinators. By keeping bees on your homestead, you’re supporting these vital creatures in their role of pollinating a wide variety of plants.

This, in turn, contributes to the biodiversity of your local ecosystem, ensuring a healthy and vibrant environment.

2. Bees Enhance Garden Productivity

Bees play a significant role in increasing the productivity of your garden. As the bees move from flower to flower collecting nectar, they pollinate your plants, leading to better fruit and vegetable yields. If you’re growing your food, bees can significantly enhance your harvest.

3. Honey Production

One of the most rewarding aspects of beekeeping is the production of honey. Honey is not only a delicious, all-natural sweetener but also has numerous health benefits. By keeping bees, you’ll have a regular honey supply, knowing exactly where it came from and how it was produced.

4. Beeswax And Other Products

In addition to honey, beehive products include beeswax, propolis, and royal jelly, all of which have various uses around the homestead.

Beeswax can be used as an ingredient in candles, lip balms, and other homemade products. Propolis has medicinal properties, and royal jelly is a nutrient-rich substance often used in health supplements.

5. Educational Opportunities With Bees

Keeping bees provides numerous learning opportunities. Whether it’s understanding the intricate social structure of a beehive, studying the different roles within the bee colony, or simply observing these fascinating creatures in action, beekeeping is a continual learning journey.

The longer you keep bees, the more you will appreciate the natural world and how various aspects are interlinked, including our reliance on bees.

6. Bees Contribute To Self-Reliance

Keeping bees contributes to the self-reliance of your homestead. You’re reducing dependence on store-bought goods by producing your honey and other bee products.

The increased garden productivity from bee pollination can lead to a surplus of produce you can preserve for the off-season, trade with neighbors, or sell for extra income.

Keeping bees on the homestead is rewarding and offers environmental, practical, and educational benefits. It’s a natural step towards a more self-reliant and sustainable lifestyle.

Getting Started With Beekeeping

Embarking on your beekeeping journey can seem daunting at first, but with the right knowledge and preparation, it can become one of the most rewarding experiences on your homestead.

We have created a step-by-step guide to help you get started with beekeeping on the homestead.

Understanding The Basics Of Beekeeping

Before you dive into the world of beekeeping, it’s essential to understand the basics. This includes learning about the life cycle of bees, the structure of a bee colony, and the roles of the queen bee, worker bees, and drones.

Familiarize yourself with common bee behaviors and how to handle bees safely. This foundational knowledge will serve as your guide as you navigate your beekeeping journey.

Many resources, such as books and videos, can help you understand the basics, but one of the best ways is to join a local beekeeping association. The local knowledge in a beekeeping association and the possibility of mentorship can be an invaluable start to your beekeeping activity.

Planning And Preparation

Proper planning and preparation are crucial to successful beekeeping. This involves choosing a suitable location for your beehives, considering factors like sunlight, wind direction, and accessibility. You’ll also need to check local regulations regarding beekeeping in your area.

Some areas may require you to register your beehives or maintain a certain distance from property lines.

Deciding Where To Locate Your Bee Hives

Your bee hives’ location can significantly impact your bee colony’s health and productivity. Choose a location with morning sunlight to encourage bees to start foraging early.

The site should also be easily accessible for hive inspections and honey harvesting. Additionally, ensure the hives are well-protected from strong winds and potential predators.

Choosing Your Bees

There are several species of honey bees to choose from, each with its characteristics and behaviors. Some species are more docile, while others are known for their high honey production.

Research the different types of bees and choose a species that suits your climate, your goals for honey production, and your comfort level in handling bees.

Beekeeping Education And Training

Consider enrolling in a local beekeeping class or joining a beekeeping club or association. These resources can provide valuable hands-on experience and a supportive community of fellow beekeepers. You can also find a wealth of information in beekeeping books and online forums.

Beekeeping is a journey of continuous learning and discovery. Embrace the process, and you’ll find great joy and fulfillment in keeping bees on your homestead.

Essential Beekeeping Supplies

The right tools and equipment are crucial when starting out as a beekeeper. Buy quality equipment that will last you many years and ensure your safety while caring for your bees, maintaining the hive, and harvesting honey.

Here’s a list of essential beekeeping supplies that every beginner beekeeper should have.

1. Beehive

The beehive is the home for your bees, so it’s one of the most critical beekeeping supplies. There are several types of beehives, but the most common for beginners is the Langstroth hive.

It comprises boxes and frames where bees build their comb and store honey. Other types include the top-bar hive and the Warre hive.

While it is possible to buy pre-made hives, it is a good practice as a beekeeper to learn to build your own hives. It will save you money and allow you to customize the design to your preference.

Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so research each type to determine which is best for you. One beehive is a good place to start, but I recommend starting with 3 hives to gain a sufficient harvest that will provide you with more options and a larger harvest.

2. Bee Suit And Veil

Safety is paramount in beekeeping. A bee suit and veil protect you from bee stings when inspecting the hive or handling the bees.

Choose a light-colored suit (bees are attracted to dark colors) made of a thick material to prevent stings. The veil should provide good visibility while protecting your face and neck.

3. Beekeeping Gloves

While some experienced beekeepers choose not to use gloves, as a beginner, it’s advisable to wear them for extra protection. Choose gloves long enough to overlap with your bee suit and tight enough to give you good dexterity.

4. Bee Smoker

A smoker is an essential tool for calming bees during hive inspections. It works by puffing smoke into the hive, which prompts bees to eat honey (their natural disaster response) and makes them less likely to sting. You can use various materials for smoker fuel, including pine needles, wood pellets, or cotton.

My fuel of choice in a smoker is dried horse manure, which I have plenty of on the homestead. Use what you have as fuel for the smoker, as long as it is a natural product that does not produce toxic fumes.

5. A Hive Tool

A hive tool is a versatile piece of equipment used for various tasks, such as prying apart frames, scraping off excess wax or propolis, and removing pests. It’s a must-have in every beekeeper’s toolkit.

One hive tool is sufficient, but I recommend starting with 2 since they are easy to misplace or lose in the grass while you are working on a bee hive.

There are different hive tool designs, but two that I can recommend are the scraper hive tool and the J-hook hive tool.

6. A Beekeepers Brush

The bee brush is a gentle way to move bees off frames or other areas without harming them. It’s especially useful during honey harvesting when removing bees from the frames.

7. Feeders

Especially important for new colonies or during times of scarce forage, feeders allow you to provide supplemental food (usually sugar syrup) to your bees.

8. Queen Marking Kit

A queen marking kit helps you identify the queen bee in your hive, which can be challenging for beginners. The queen marking kit usually includes a marker and a queen catcher.

A queen bee marking convention marks the queen in a certain color based on the year she was hatched. This enables the beekeeper to establish the queen’s age and decide when she needs to be replaced or determine if a rogue queen has displaced the original queen.

Quality is key when choosing your beekeeping supplies. Investing in high-quality equipment from the start will make your beekeeping experience more enjoyable and ensure your tools’ longevity.

Selecting Your Beehive

Building your beehive is a significant step in your beekeeping journey. It’s where your bees will live, reproduce, and produce honey.

Choosing Your Beehive Type

The first step is deciding on the beehive type you want to build. The most common types are the Langstroth hive, the top-bar hive, and the Warre hive. Here’s a comparison of the three:

Beehive TypeProsCons
Langstroth HiveEasy to inspect and harvest, high honey yieldHeavy to lift, requires more equipment
Top-Bar HiveEasy to build and manage, no heavy liftingLower honey yield, comb can be fragile
Warre HiveMimics natural bee conditions, less managementDifficult to inspect, heavy to lift

Choose the type that best suits your needs and capabilities.

Deciding Where To Locate Your Bee Hives

Choosing the right location for your beehive is critical in setting up your beekeeping operation. The location can significantly impact the health and productivity of your bee colony. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a location for your beehive.

  • Sunlight. Bees thrive in locations that receive morning sunlight. The sun’s warmth encourages the bees to wake up and start their day of foraging. However, the hive should not be in direct sunlight all day, especially in hotter climates, as this can overheat the hive. A location that gets direct morning sun but is shaded in the afternoon is ideal.
  • Wind Direction. Strong winds can knock over hives and make it difficult for bees to fly. Try to position your hives in a location protected from strong winds. This could be near a windbreak like a wall, fence, or line of trees.
  • Accessibility. You need to access your hives easily for regular inspections and honey harvesting. Choose a location that is easy to get to and has enough space for you to work around the hive. If you’re using a heavy Langstroth hive, consider how you’ll lift the boxes during inspections and harvests.
  • Safety. The hive should be located in a safe place for both the bees and the nearby people and animals. Keep the hive away from high-traffic areas, especially if you have children or pets. Also, consider the bees’ flight path; a hive placed a few feet off the ground or behind a barrier like a fence, or hedge can encourage the bees to fly above head height, reducing the chance of bee-human encounters.
  • Forage availability. Bees need diverse pollen and nectar sources within a few miles of the hive. If you’re in a rural area, this might not be a problem. But in urban or suburban areas, you might need to provide additional forage plants in your garden.
  • Water source. Bees need a reliable water source, especially in hot weather. If there isn’t a natural water source nearby, you might need to provide water for your bees. This could be a shallow dish with some pebbles for the bees to land on.

The bees’ needs should be your primary consideration when choosing a location for your beehive. A well-located hive will support a healthy and productive bee colony.

Raising Honey Bees On The Homestead

Raising honey bees is a rewarding endeavor that requires care, attention, and a willingness to learn. Here’s a guide to help you successfully raise honey bees on your homestead.

  • Installing your bees. Once your beehive is set up, it’s time to install your bees. You can purchase bees in a package, including a queen and several thousand worker bees, or as a nucleus colony, a smaller, already functioning colony. Carefully follow the instructions provided by the bee supplier to install your bees into the hive.
  • Feeding your bees. Newly installed bees may need supplemental feeding until they establish themselves and start foraging. Feed them sugar syrup using a feeder. Continue feeding until they stop taking the syrup or when you see plenty of natural forage available.
  • Inspecting the hive. Regular hive inspections are crucial to monitor the health and progress of your colony. Look at the colony for signs of disease or pests, check the queen’s egg-laying pattern, and ensure there’s enough space for the colony to grow. Use a smoker to calm the bees before each inspection.
  • Managing pests and diseases. Bees face threats from various pests and diseases, such as Varroa mites, American foulbrood, and hive beetles. Learn to identify these threats and how to manage them. The beekeeper can handle some issues, while others may require professional help.
  • Harvesting honey. The highlight of raising honey bees is harvesting your honey. This usually happens in late summer or early fall, depending on your local climate and the productivity of your bees. Use a bee brush or a bee blower to gently remove bees from the frames before extraction. Remember to leave enough honey for the bees to survive the winter.

How To Handle Common Challenges In Beekeeping

Beekeeping, like any other endeavor, comes with its own set of challenges. However, with knowledge, preparation, and a bit of patience, these challenges can be effectively managed. Here are some common challenges you might face and how to handle them:

1. Disease and Pests

Bees are susceptible to various diseases and pests, including Varroa mites, American foulbrood, and small hive beetles.

Regular hive inspections can help you spot these issues early. If you identify a problem, consult a local beekeeping expert or your local extension service for advice on treatment options.

2. Swarming

Swarming is a natural process where a queen bee leaves the hive with a large group of worker bees to form a new colony. While it’s a sign of a healthy hive, it can significantly reduce your bee population and honey production.

Regular hive inspections can help you spot signs of swarming, like the formation of queen cells. If you notice these signs, you can take measures like splitting the hive or replacing the queen to prevent swarming.

3. Aggressive Bees

Sometimes, a hive can become unusually aggressive. This could be due to various factors, such as a lack of food, a queenless hive, or a genetic trait.

If your hive is consistently aggressive, you might need to requeen your hive with a queen from a more docile strain.

4. Honey Production Issues

If your bees aren’t producing as much honey as expected, it could be due to insufficient forage, disease, or overcrowding in the hive.

Ensure your bees have plenty of forage, and consider feeding them if natural forage is scarce. Regularly check for disease and ensure your hive has enough space for the colony to grow.

5. Winter Survival

Bees need to maintain a certain temperature in the hive to survive the winter. You can help them by providing windbreaks, insulating the hive, and ensuring they have enough honey stores for the winter.

Every challenge with your bees is an opportunity to learn and grow as a beekeeper. With time, you’ll gain the experience and knowledge to handle these challenges and keep your hive thriving.

Catching A Swarm Of Bees

Catching a wild swarm of bees can be an exciting and cost-effective way to start or expand your beekeeping operation. Here’s a guide on how to safely and successfully catch a swarm.

  • Understanding swarms. Swarms occur when a queen bee leaves the beehive with a large group of worker bees to establish a new colony. They’re most common in spring and early summer. A swarm typically clusters on a tree branch or other structure while scout bees search for a new home. This is the best time to catch the swarm.
  • Safety first. Before attempting to catch a swarm, ensure you’re wearing your bee suit, veil, and gloves. Even though swarming bees are generally docile, they can sting if they feel threatened.
  • Gathering your equipment. You’ll need a few items to catch a swarm, including a ladder (if the swarm is high up), a bee brush or feather, and a suitable container like a cardboard box or a specially designed swarm trap. You’ll also need a sheet or tarp to catch any bees that fall during the process.
  • Catching the swarm. Place your sheet or tarp under the swarm. Then, position your container under the swarm and shake the branch firmly. Most bees, including the queen, should fall into the container. You can use your bee brush to coax any remaining bees into the container gently.
  • Transferring the swarm. Once you’ve caught the swarm, cover the container and carefully transport it to your prepared hive. Open the container and allow the bees to move into the hive. The rest of the swarm should follow if the queen is in the box.
  • Aftercare. Monitor the swarm closely over the next few days. Provide supplemental feeding and check that the queen has started laying. With good care, the swarm should soon establish itself as a productive colony in your hive.

Catching a swarm can be a thrilling experience, but it’s important to approach it with respect and care for the bees. With the right preparation and equipment, you can successfully catch a swarm and give it a new home in your beehive.

Homestead Bees Increase Self-Reliance And Sustainability

Beekeeping is more than just a hobby; it’s a practice that contributes significantly to the self-reliance and sustainability of a homestead. Here’s how you can achieve this goal.

1. Honey Production

One of the most obvious benefits of beekeeping is the production of honey. With a healthy hive, you can produce your own natural sweetener, reducing the need to purchase store-bought sweeteners.

Honey is tasty and has numerous health benefits, making it a valuable addition to a self-reliant homestead.

2. Pollination

Bees are nature’s pollinators. By keeping bees, you’re enhancing the pollination of your garden, leading to better yields of fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

This can increase your garden’s productivity, providing more food for your family and potentially surplus produce to sell or trade.

3. Beeswax And Other Bee Products

In addition to honey, bees produce beeswax, propolis, and royal jelly. Beeswax can be used in the production of candles, lip balm, and other homemade products.

Propolis has medicinal properties, and royal jelly is a nutrient-rich substance often used in health supplements. These products can replace store-bought items, contributing to the self-reliance of your homestead.

4. Education And Skill Building

Beekeeping is a skill that can be honed over time. It provides an opportunity to learn about nature, biology, and ecology.

These beekeeping skills and knowledge can be passed down through generations, contributing to the self-sufficiency and resilience of your family and community.

5. Environmental Stewardship

Beekeeping contributes to environmental sustainability. Bees are crucial in pollinating plants, which is essential for biodiversity.

By keeping bees, you’re supporting these vital creatures and contributing to the local ecosystem’s health.

6. Community Connections

Beekeeping can help build connections within your community. Whether it’s through selling or trading honey, sharing knowledge and skills, or collaborating to protect local bee populations, beekeeping can strengthen community ties and contribute to collective self-reliance.

Beekeeping is a powerful practice for anyone seeking to enhance the self-reliance and sustainability of their homestead. It’s a testament to the fact that small actions can have significant impacts, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient world.


Beekeeping is a journey filled with learning, discovery, and rewards. From the initial stages of setting up your beehive to the joy of harvesting your first batch of honey, each step brings you closer to nature and deepens your understanding of these remarkable creatures.

But beyond personal rewards, beekeeping plays a crucial role in enhancing the self-reliance and sustainability of your homestead. It contributes to food production, provides natural products, supports biodiversity, and fosters community connections. It’s a practice that benefits you and your family and contributes to a healthier and more sustainable world.


Writer’s personal experience.

Owen Jung

Owen is the co-founder of Our Daily Homestead. Own grew up in his parent's homestead in Illinois and learned all things gardening, sustainability, and off-grid living while he was young. He now shares his knowledge through this website.

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