Keeping Pigs On The Homestead [A GUIDE]

Pigs are not only an excellent source of meat, but they also contribute significantly to the overall sustainability of a homestead. Keeping pigs on your homestead requires understanding the benefits these animals offer and the care required in raising them on the homestead.

Pigs are beneficial livestock for homesteaders but require some work and knowledge to raise successfully. They can provide meat, waste management, and other products which can improve homestead sustainability or provide an income for the homestead. Pigs can be pastured or raised in pens.

To help you decide if pigs are the right livestock for your homestead, we will explore the various aspects of raising pigs, from choosing the right breed to understanding their space and nutritional requirements. We’ll also explore the benefits and challenges of raising pigs on pasture and provide tips for those considering raising pigs for meat or even profit.

Should You Keep Pigs On The Homestead?

Raising pigs on a homestead offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly contribute to the sustainability and productivity of your homestead.

However, without some knowledge of what you are getting into with keeping pigs, you can make some mistakes that will cause your pig raising to fail. Pigs are not livestock animals that you should consider keeping without investigating how to care for them correctly and get the most out of what they can offer the homestead.

This is especially true for beginner or experienced homesteaders with no prior knowledge of pig keeping. Our guide will give you the essential knowledge to get started and raise pigs successfully on your homestead.

To kick off, let’s find out why pigs are a good choice for livestock and why you should consider having them on your homestead.

  1. Food production. Pigs are an excellent source of meat. They grow relatively fast and provide a substantial amount of meat compared to other livestock. This can be a great way to provide for your family or even generate income if you decide to sell the meat.
  2. Waste management. Pigs are known for their ability to consume a wide variety of food, including kitchen scraps and garden waste. This makes them excellent recyclers on a homestead, turning waste into valuable resources.
  3. Soil improvement. Pigs have a natural instinct for digging. They can help turn and aerate the soil, making them useful for preparing garden beds or managing compost piles. Their manure is also a rich source of nutrients that can improve soil fertility.
  4. Companionship. Pigs are intelligent and social animals. They can form strong bonds with their caregivers and provide joy and companionship on the homestead.
  5. Self-sufficiency. Raising pigs can contribute to the self-sufficiency and sustainability of your homestead. By producing your own pork, you reduce dependence on external sources and have control over the quality and safety of your food.

However, it’s important to note that raising pigs also comes with challenges, such as adequate space and proper care. In subsequent sections, we will dig deeper into these aspects to help you make an informed decision about raising pigs on your homestead.

Choosing The Right Homestead Pig Breed

Selecting the right pig breed for your homestead is crucial in your pig-raising journey. The breed you select will depend on several factors, including your climate, available space, and your goals for raising pigs (meat production, waste management, companionship, etc.). Here’s an overview of some popular homestead pig breeds and their characteristics.

Pig BreedCharacteristics
BerkshireKnown for their excellent meat quality, Berkshires are hardy and do well in various climates. They are also known for their good temperament.
Large BlackThis breed is known for its foraging abilities and is ideal for pasture-based systems. They are also docile and produce high-quality meat.
TamworthTamworths are excellent foragers and do well in pasture-based systems. They are known for their lean meat and adaptability to various climates.
Red Wattle HogThis breed is known for its rapid growth and high-quality, lean meat. These pigs are hardy and do well in various climates.
Hampshire PigHampshires are known for their rapid growth and high feed efficiency. They produce lean meat and are generally easy to handle.
MangalicaKnown as the woolly pig, Mangalicas are hardy and well-suited to colder climates. They are known for their high-fat content, making their meat flavorful and juicy.

Each breed has its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to do your research and visit other homesteads, farms, or pig breeders to see these breeds in person before deciding.

Considerations When Choosing A Pig Breed

Choosing the best pig breed for your homestead is a decision that should be made carefully, considering several key factors.

  • Purpose. The primary reason for raising pigs will significantly influence your breed choice. If you’re primarily interested in meat production, you might opt for a breed known for its growth rate and meat quality, like the Berkshire or Hampshire. If you’re more interested in waste management or soil improvement, a breed known for its foraging abilities, like the Large Black Pig or Tamworth, might be a better fit.
  • Climate. Different pig breeds have different tolerances for heat and cold. For instance, the Mangalica is well-suited to colder climates due to its woolly coat, while the Large Black Pig is known for its adaptability to various climates.
  • Space. Some pig breeds require more space than others, especially good foragers who enjoy roaming. Ensure you have enough space for the breed you choose.
  • Temperament. Some breeds are more docile and easier to handle than others. This can be important if you have children or are new to raising pigs.
  • Growth rate and size. Some breeds grow faster and larger than others. If you’re raising pigs for meat, you might prefer a breed with a faster growth rate. However, larger pigs will require more feed and space.
  • Feed efficiency. Some pig breeds are more efficient at converting feed into body weight. This can be an important factor to consider, especially if you’re raising pigs for meat.
  • Availability. Some breeds may be more readily available in your area than others. Check with local breeders or agricultural extension services to determine which breeds are available.

Taking into account these important factors, you can choose a pig breed that aligns with your goals, resources, and the conditions on your homestead. In the next section, we’ll discuss understanding the space requirements for raising pigs on your homestead.

Space Requirements For Pigs On The Homestead

Providing your pigs with the correct space on the homestead is an important consideration to keep your pigs healthy and happy on the homestead. Pigs need enough space to move around, forage, and express their natural behaviors.

Here are some key points to bear in mind regarding space for keeping pigs.

  1. Pasture space. If you’re planning to raise your pigs on pasture, the amount of space needed will mostly depend on the pig breed and the quality of the pasture. As a general rule, you can usually raise about 5 to 10 pigs per acre. However, this can vary depending on the breed’s foraging abilities and other feed source availability.
  2. Pen space. If you’re raising pigs in a pen, each pig should have at least 50 square feet of space. This allows them enough room to move around comfortably and reduces the risk of overcrowding-related health issues.
  3. Shelter space. Pigs also need a sheltered area to protect them from the elements. The shelter size will depend on the number and size of the pigs, but each pig should have enough space to lie down comfortably without being overcrowded.
  4. Fencing. Pigs are known for their ability to escape from poorly constructed fences. Ensure your fencing is sturdy and secure. Electric fencing can be an effective option for pigs, as they learn quickly to respect it.
  5. Rotation. If you have enough space, consider rotating your pigs between different areas. This can help prevent overgrazing and reduce the build-up of parasites.

It’s always best to err on the side of providing more space rather than less since providing too little space can result in significant health issues in your pigs.

Feeding Pigs On A Homestead

Feeding pigs on a homestead is critical to their care and directly impacts their health, growth, and the quality of meat they produce. It will also affect the feed and veterinary care costs for your animals.

  1. Balanced diet. Pigs require a balanced diet with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Commercial pig feeds are formulated to provide this balance, but if you’re supplementing with kitchen scraps or garden waste, you’ll need to ensure they get all the necessary nutrients.
  2. Foraging. If you’re raising your pigs on pasture, they’ll do much of their own feeding through foraging. Pigs are natural foragers and can consume a variety of plants, roots, and even small insects. However, foraging alone may not provide all the necessary nutrients, especially for growing pigs or pregnant sows, so supplemental feeding may be necessary.
  3. Feeding frequency. Pigs should be fed at least twice a day. Regular feeding encourages natural foraging behavior and helps to keep pigs healthy.
  4. Water. All pig breeds need a constant supply of clean, fresh water. They drink a lot of water, especially in hot weather, and also use it for wallowing to cool down.
  5. Treats and training. Pigs are intelligent livestock animals and can be trained using treats. This can be useful for managing your pigs and encouraging certain behaviors. However, treats should be given in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

Always monitor your pigs’ health and adjust their diet as necessary. Catching any problems early will help reduce the impact on the animals’ health and your vet bills.

Raising Pigs On Pasture On The Homestead

Raising pigs on pasture, also known as pasture-raised or free-range pigs, is a method of pig farming where the pigs are allowed to roam freely in pastures for grazing and foraging.

This method aligns with the pigs’ natural behavior and can significantly contribute to their overall health and well-being.

Benefits Of Pasture-Raised Pigs 

Pasture-raised pigs can benefit from a diverse diet, more exercise, and less stress, leading to healthier pigs and higher-quality meat. They can also contribute to soil health by naturally tilling the land and fertilizing it with their manure.

Challenges Of Pasture-Raised Pigs

Despite the benefits, raising pigs on pasture also presents some challenges. Pigs can be hard on the land; without proper management, they can overgraze and cause soil erosion.

They also require secure fencing to prevent them from wandering off or getting into areas where they shouldn’t be.

Using Rotational Grazing With Your Pigs

One way to mitigate some of the challenges of pasture-raised pigs is through rotational grazing. This involves regularly moving the pigs to a new pasture area, allowing previous areas to rest and regenerate.

This farming practice is key to preventing overgrazing of one area and the pigs digging for roots causing erosion in the overgrazed pasture.

Supplemental Feeding For Your Pigs

Even though pigs can forage for a significant portion of their diet, they will still likely need supplemental feeding, especially if the pasture quality is low or during times of the year when forage is less available.

Seasonal changes such as drought can impact the pasture’s quality, affecting the quality and quantity of forage available to the pigs in the pasture.

Shelter And Water Access For Pigs

Even on pasture, pigs need access to shelter from the elements and a constant supply of fresh water. Portable shelters and water systems can accommodate this need in rotational grazing systems.

Always monitor the condition of your pasture and the health of your pigs to ensure they are thriving on the food available in the pasture.

Raising Homestead Pigs For Meat

Raising homestead pigs for meat is a rewarding endeavor that can provide your family with a sustainable source of high-quality protein and generate an income for the homestead.

The following factors are important when raising homestead pigs for meat.

  1. Growth rate. The growth rate of your pigs will depend on their breed, diet, and overall health. Most pig breeds reach slaughter weight (around 250 pounds) at about 6 to 8 months of age.
  2. Feed to meat conversion. Pigs are efficient converters of feed into meat. However, the exact feed-to-meat conversion ratio can vary depending on the pig breed and the feed quality.
  3. Butchering. You have a few options when it comes time to butcher your pigs. You can learn to do it yourself or hire a professional butcher. Some areas also have mobile slaughter services that will come to your homestead.
  4. Processing and preservation. After butchering, the meat must be processed into cuts and preserved by freezing, curing, or smoking. This can be a lot of work, but it’s also an opportunity to customize the cuts and products to your family’s preferences.
  5. Regulations. If you plan to sell any of the meat, be aware that there are regulations you’ll need to follow. These rules and regulations can vary by location, so be sure to check with your local agricultural extension or Department of Agriculture.
  6. Profitability. Raising pigs for meat can be profitable, especially if you can sell the meat directly to consumers. However, profitability will depend on your feed costs, infrastructure, labor, and the market prices for pork in your area.

Always prioritize the health and well-being of your pigs, as this will ultimately lead to the best meat quality.

The Pros and Cons of Raising Pigs On The Homestead

Raising pigs on a homestead has advantages and challenges, like any livestock. Understanding these can help you decide whether pig farming is right for you and your homestead.

Pros Of Raising Homestead Pigs

Raising pigs on the homestead has many benefits, but it requires dedication, time, and commitment to providing the right environment for these animals to get the most value from them as livestock.

  • Efficient food conversion. Pigs are known for efficiently converting feed into meat, making them a cost-effective choice for meat production.
  • Waste management. Pigs can consume a wide variety of food, including kitchen scraps and garden waste, helping to reduce waste on your homestead.
  • Soil improvement. Pigs can help improve soil quality through their natural rooting behavior and their nutrient-rich manure.
  • High-quality meat. Home-raised pigs often produce higher quality meat than commercially raised pigs due to their diverse diet and lower stress levels.
  • Quick turnaround. Pigs grow quickly and can reach market weight in as little as six months, providing a relatively quick return on investment.

Cons Of Raising Homestead Pigs

There are downsides to keeping pigs on the homestead, and you must weigh up the advantages against the challenges and decide whether the advantages supply enough benefits to outweigh the challenges.

  • Space requirements. Pigs need a decent amount of space to roam and root, which can be challenging for homesteads with limited space.
  • Feed costs. While pigs can eat a wide variety of foods, they also consume a lot, leading to high feed costs, especially if you cannot supplement with kitchen scraps or pasture.
  • Fencing. Pigs are known for their ability to escape from enclosures, so strong, secure fencing is a must.
  • Potential for damage. Pigs are natural rooters and can cause significant damage to pastures and gardens if not properly managed.
  • Noise and smell. Pigs can be noisy, and, if not properly managed, their living areas can produce strong odors.

Ultimately, the decision to raise pigs will depend on your specific circumstances, including your resources, goals, and personal preferences.

Raising Pigs For Profit On The Homestead

Raising pigs for profit on your homestead can be viable but requires careful planning and management.

Here are some key points to consider when raising pigs for profit on the homestead.

  1. Market research. Before you start, do some market research. Understand the demand for pork and pig products in your local area and identify potential customers. These could be individuals, restaurants, or local butcher shops.
  2. Cost analysis. Calculate all the costs involved in raising pigs, including the cost of piglets, feed, housing, fencing, veterinary care, and butchering. Compare these costs with the potential income from selling pork to determine if the venture can be profitable.
  3. Breed selection. Choose a breed that is in demand in your local market. Some customers may prefer specific breeds for their meat quality.
  4. Quality feed. The quality of the pork you produce will depend on the quality of the feed your pigs consume. While pigs can eat various foods, they need a balanced diet to grow efficiently and produce high-quality meat.
  5. Marketing. Develop a marketing strategy to sell your pork. This could involve selling directly to consumers, farmers’ markets, local restaurants, or butcher shops. Consider marketing your pork as pasture-raised or organically fed if it applies, as these can command higher prices.
  6. Regulations. Be aware of any regulations related to selling pork in your area. This could include regulations related to butchering, packaging, labeling, and selling meat.

While raising pigs for profit can be a rewarding venture, it also involves a significant amount of work and risk. Researching and careful planning is important to increase your chances of success.

Keeping Pigs On The Homestead FAQs

To provide a complete picture of keeping pigs on the homestead, we have included some of the most common questions new pig owners have regarding these animals.

1. Can I Keep A Pig In My Backyard? 

You can keep a pig in your backyard, provided you have enough space and it is allowed by your local regulations. Pigs need room to roam and root, so the space available in your backyard will determine how many pigs you can keep.

2. How Do You Feed Pigs On A Homestead? 

Pigs on a homestead can be fed a variety of foods. They can consume commercial pig feed, kitchen scraps, garden waste, and forage for food if they have pasture space. However, ensuring they get a balanced diet that includes all the necessary nutrients is important.

3. How Much Space Do Pigs Need? 

The amount of space pigs need can vary depending on whether they are being raised in a pen or on pasture. When raised in a pen, each pig should have at least 50 square feet of space.

If you’re raising pigs on pasture, you can usually raise about 5 to 10 pigs per acre, depending on the pasture’s quality and the pig’s breed.

4. What Is The Best Pig Breed For A Homestead? 

The best pig breed for a homestead depends on your goals for raising pigs, your climate, and the amount of space you have. Some popular homestead breeds include the Berkshire, Large Black Pig, Tamworth, Red Wattle Hog, Hampshire, and Mangalica.

5. Can Raising Pigs Be Profitable? 

Raising pigs can be profitable, especially if you can sell the meat directly to consumers. However, profitability will depend on your feed, infrastructure, labor costs, and the market prices for pork in your area.

Raising your own pigs can lower the costs of feeding your family, making raising pigs profitable on the homestead by lowering your dependency on commercially produced food.

6. How Long Does It Take To Raise A Pig For Slaughter? 

Most pig breeds reach slaughter weight (around 250 pounds) at about 6 to 8 months of age. However, this can vary depending on the pig’s breed, diet, and overall health.

Raising pigs on a homestead is a big commitment and requires a good understanding of pig care and management. Always do your research and seek advice from experienced pig farmers or your local agricultural extension service if you’re unsure about anything.


Raising pigs on a homestead is a rewarding endeavor that can provide numerous benefits, from a sustainable source of high-quality meat to improved soil health and waste management. However, it also requires a significant commitment of time, resources, and effort.

Every homestead is unique, and what works well for one might not work as well for another. Always take the time to observe your pigs, learn from your experiences, and adjust your practices as necessary. With patience, dedication, and a willingness to learn, you can raise healthy, happy pigs that contribute significantly to your homestead’s sustainability and productivity.


Owen Jung

Owen is the co-founder of Our Daily Homestead. Own grew up in his parent's homestead in Illinois and learned all things gardening, sustainability, and off-grid living while he was young. He now shares his knowledge through this website.

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