Moon Cactus Top Is Dying! What Do?

Moon Cactus Top Is Dying

Moon cactus are major indoor plants recognized for their small size and brilliant colors. They bring beauty to your homes. But, the concern of growing moon cactus in your house is when you start seeing the top dying (or at the very least, looking a bit limp!)

From this article, you will learn why the moon cactus top is dying and how you can take care of this. Also, you can get to know about some tips for growing healthy moon cactus.

Why Is The Top Of My Moon Cactus Dying?

Improper hydration, age, rotting, and too much light are the most prevalent reasons for cactus shriveling. The key worry for these vulnerabilities is the root system. You may solve these problems by providing a suitable balance of water and sunshine and routinely monitoring for infections.

What Do You Do When The Top Of The Moon Cactus Dies?

Some of the steps to save your moon cactus are given below.

  •  Remove all dark or black mushy roots, leaving just the white, undamaged roots.
  • Next, replace well-draining soil but do not water for at least 1 to 2 weeks.
  • When you water, wait till the soil has completely dried out before watering again.

Why Is My Cactus Turning Brown At The Top?

Cactus plants can become brown for a variety of causes. Sunburn, for example, might be the reason for your plant becoming brown from the top. You may blame root rot if the browning begins at the bottom and progresses to the top. Red spider mites or corking may also cause your plant’s color to shift from green to brown.

Why Is My Moon Cactus Shriveling?

Your cactus is shriveling because of environmental causes like bug infestations, infections, or nutrient inadequacies. Cactus enjoy a humid atmosphere and require constant watering to thrive. The majority of them are from dryland places like deserts and dry regions of the world, and they frequently require little maintenance and effort.

How Can You Make Your Moon Cactus Survive Long?

  • Maintain an adequate mix of light and shadow

The rootstock cactus requires adequate sunshine for photosynthesis. Place your moon cactus close to the window, only under partial sunlight, as direct sunlight might be harmful. When you plan to place your moon cactus on a sill, ensure it is protected from direct sunlight with curtains.

  • Plant your moon cactus in soil that drains properly

Overwatering causes root rot or bug infestation. Potting soil mix for cacti is suitable for moon cactus, or you may increase drainage by adding perlite to the soil. To help excessive water drain, use a porous clay container with drainage holes.

  • Water sparingly

Like many other cacti, the moon cactus does not require a lot of water. When watering, wet the soil well and dry it entirely. Must not water the plant till the earth has been dry for about a week. The moon cactus needs only be watered during the growing season, not throughout the winter.

  • Place in a warm location

Choose an area where the heat does not fall below 60°F. You may keep a moon cactus outside during summer, but it must be brought within during the winter since cold kills this cactus plant.

What Are Tips To Prevent Moon Cactus From Dying?

It is very difficult to save a moon cactus after it starts dying; if we take adequate measures to avoid diseases and give proper care, we can extend the life of the moon cactus. There are various tips to prevent the moon cactus from dying.

  • Stop Overwatering

While watering, be careful not to overwater the plant as it will lead to diseases and may lead to rotting.

  • Remove the rotten components

Overwatering is usually the cause of rotting. The plant becomes black or brown, and you must remove portions. So you must assess whether your soil is wet and should be transferred to a new pot with fresh soil.

  • Remove dirt or dust

When the cactus’ skin is coated with dirt or dust, it cannot adequately process light. To remove this debris, use a light cloth or towel. You may clean it with a towel mixed with water and a bit of dish soap, and you can rinse it underneath the tap in the sink.

  • Use Nitrogen fertilizer in low proportion

Use fertilizer at the start of the growing season, which normally begins in March. Fertilizer is blended and packed in various proportions. The ideal ratio for cacti is one with a nitrogen rating of 10. High nitrogen will result in stunted development and a mushy texture.

What Is The Average Life Span Of A Moon Cactus?

A Moon Cactus may survive for one to three years on average. Some moon cactus specimens can live for more than five years. However, if you have no experience raising Moon Cactus, it may only last a few months.

Why Is The Top Of My Cactus Turning Black?

Fungal infections, such as crown rot, bacterial necrosis, phyllosticta, and pad spotting cause moon cacti to become black. To rescue your indoor plant at this point, remove the afflicted sections and attempt to prevent infection from spreading to the remainder of your cactus.

How Can You Prevent The Moon Cactus From Shriveling?

Shriveling is most concerned with the root system. You can report the plant by removing the sick soil and refilling this with sterile soil. When replanting in a new potting media, thoroughly cleanse the roots. Moon cactus can also be preserved by collecting cuttings and allowing them to root into a new plant.


What Is The Common Type Of Diseases Found On The Moon Cactus?

Spider mites and mealybugs can harm Moon cactus. Neem oil or just a chemical pesticide formulated for houseplants can be used to manage them. Root rot is a serious illness triggered by overwatering or improperly draining soil.

Will Overwatering Cause The Moon Cactus To Die?

Overwatering can kill a moon cactus. An overwatered cactus could turn a dull green tint and eventually yellow. Deaths caused by overwatering will harm the moon cactus.

Does The Moon Cactus Need Sunlight?

Yes, moon cactuses require indirect sunshine, about 1 to 2 hours of morning and afternoon light, either in a dark but bright place or beside a bright window. They are vulnerable to strong rays; keep an eye out for scorching.

How Do I Get My Moon Cactus To Bloom?

Maintain an adequate mix of shading. Grow the moon cactus in well-draining soil as well. Hydrate the moon cactus occasionally and keep it in a warm atmosphere. If your moon cactus isn’t flowering, it might be due to a problem with the lighting, temperature, or water. Furthermore, some species might take up to 50 years to grow, ready to bloom.

How Can We Prevent Diseases Affecting The Moon Cactus?

A proper soil mix can aid in healthy development and disease prevention. They like soil with more sand and pebbles to drain water and keep the plant dry between sips, preventing root damage. Fertilizers developed particularly for moon cactus, like soil, are essential.

How Do I Know A Moon Cactus Is Healthy?

A healthy moon cactus can have erect leaves, a uniform green appearance, and robust roots. They will store a lot of water without deterioration and will blossom brightly colored flowers every blooming season beyond fail.


Moon cactus top dying can be due to many reasons. These can be solved by understanding the root cause and taking care of the moon cactus accordingly. Some of the major problems are discussed above, which can be useful to provide beneficial results and grow moon cactus healthy.


Alice is a writer who grew up on a beautiful homestead in rural Old England. She now lives in New England with her fur babies and is on a mission to return to the land for a simpler, greener, and all-round kinder existence.

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