The Importance Of A Predator-Proof Chicken Coop And Run [HOMESTEAD ED.]

Raising chickens in your backyard or homestead can be an excellent way to provide fresh eggs, meat, and all the benefits associated with keeping poultry. However, one of the biggest challenges that chicken keepers face is protecting their flock from predators. From cunning foxes to stealthy raccoons, and even birds of prey, there are many threats that your chickens could encounter.

A predator-proof chicken coop and chicken run are important to providing a safe living environment for keeping chickens. The structure of the enclosures must be sufficient to deter predators from the ground and attacks from the sky. Predator deterrent devices can also be used as an extra measure.

We will investigate the essential features of a predator-proof chicken coop and run, discuss the common predators that potentially threaten your chickens, and provide practical tips and guidelines to ensure the safety of your flock.

Creating A Predator Proof Coop And Run For Chickens

Keeping chickens is one of the gateway activities for backyard self-sufficiency and homesteading. Preparing a space for your chickens to keep them happy, healthy, and safe from danger is one of the first steps to keeping poultry.

That’s where the importance of a predator-proof chicken coop and run comes into play. These structures are your first line of defense against potential threats, providing a safe and secure environment for your chickens to live and roam.

A few definitions are in order regarding terminology around chicken housing to ensure we understand each other.

A “Chicken Coop” is the house where your chickens sleep and lay eggs. It needs to be secure, well-ventilated, and easy to clean. The coop should also provide enough space for all your chickens to roost comfortably.

A “Chicken Run” is an enclosed outdoor area attached to the coop where your chickens can roam, scratch, and forage during the day. It allows your chickens to enjoy the outdoors while being protected from predators.

Hardware Cloth” is a form of wire mesh that is more robust and durable than traditional chicken wire. It’s often used in the construction of chicken coops and runs because it’s difficult for predators to tear or chew through.

Chicken Wire,” despite its name, is not the most secure option for protecting your chickens from predators. While it can keep your chickens in, it’s not strong enough to keep determined predators out. However, it can be used in conjunction with hardware cloth for additional security.

A predator-proof chicken coop and run is a structure designed to keep your chickens safe from common predators. This involves using sturdy materials, implementing secure locks, and taking measures to deter digging or climbing predators.

Understanding these basics is the first step toward creating a safe, secure environment for your chickens.

We will discuss how to incorporate these elements into your chicken coop and run and provide additional tips for deterring predators.

Essential Features Of A Predator-Proof Chicken Coop

Creating a predator-proof chicken coop involves more than just a sturdy structure. It requires careful planning and the consideration of various elements to ensure maximum security.

We have created a list of the essential features you should consider incorporating into your chicken housing design to ensure their safety from predators.

Not all these measures are necessary in all locations, and you must determine what predators in your region pose the most threat to your chicken flock. Once you know the main danger to your chickens, you can take the necessary precautions to keep those predators out of your chicken run and coop.

1. Hardware Cloth And Chicken Wire

Hardware cloth should be the primary material for your coop’s walls and floors. It’s sturdy and difficult for predators to chew through. Chicken wire can be used as an additional layer of protection, but it should not be the only barrier between your chickens and potential threats.

Hardware ClothDurable, difficult for predators to chew throughMore expensive than chicken wire
Chicken WireAffordable, easy to installNot as durable, can be chewed through by determined predators

2. Secure Doors With 2-Step Locks

Predators like raccoons are incredibly intelligent and can easily open simple latches. A 2-step lock, which requires two separate actions to open, can help keep these cunning creatures at bay.

3. Use Of Treated Lumber For Construction

Treated lumber is resistant to rot and insects, making it a durable option for your chicken coop. However, ensure the wood is safe for your chickens before using it.

4. Incorporating A Wire Mesh Floor

A wire mesh floor can prevent predators from digging into the coop. If you choose to use one, ensure it’s comfortable for your chickens by covering it with a layer of straw or wood shavings.

The ultimate chicken-keeping goal is to create a secure, comfortable, and easy-to-maintain coop. In the next section, we’ll discuss building a predator-proof chicken run to give your chickens a safe space to roam during the day.

Building A Predator-Proof Chicken Run

A chicken run provides your flock with a safe space to roam, scratch, and forage. However, it also needs to be secure to protect your chickens from predators, especially if predators are prevalent in your region.

The following are some key considerations when building a predator-proof chicken run.

  1. Covering the chicken run. Predators can come from the sky as well as the ground. Hawks, eagles, owls, and various other birds of prey can swoop down into your chicken run if it’s not covered. Use hardware cloth or chicken wire to screen the top of your run and deter these airborne threats.
  2. Use of welded wire fencing. Welded wire fencing is a sturdy option for the sides of your chicken run. It’s more robust than chicken wire and can deter smaller predators like weasels and minks.
  3. Concrete blocks for perimeter footing. Consider laying concrete blocks around the perimeter to prevent predators from digging under your chicken run. This creates a solid barrier that most predators can’t penetrate.
  4. Burying the fence. In addition to using concrete blocks, you can also bury your fence about 12 inches into the ground. This can deter predators that are known to dig, such as foxes and raccoons.

By incorporating these security features, you can create a chicken run that gives your chickens the freedom to enjoy the outdoors and keeps them safe from potential threats.

Additional Tips For Predator-Proofing Your Chicken Coop And Run

Even with a well-constructed coop and run, there are additional measures you can take to further ensure the safety of your flock.

We have included some extra tips you can consider for predator-proofing your chicken coop and run.

  1. Close the coop and run doors at dusk. Many predators are most active at night. Make it a routine to close the doors of your coop and run at dusk to keep your chickens safe.
  2. Use electrified netting. For stubborn predators, electrified netting can be an effective deterrent. This type of fence is easy to move and can be used to protect both your coop and run.
  3. Regularly check for weak spots. Regular maintenance is key to keeping your coop and run predator-proof. Check the coop and run for any signs of damage, wear and tear, and potential weak spots where a predator could gain entry, and repair them promptly.
  4. Keep the area around your coop and run clear. Predators use cover to sneak up on their prey. You can eliminate potential hiding spots by keeping the area around your coop and run clear.
  5. Use predator deterrents. Various predator deterrents are available on the market, from motion-activated lights to ultrasonic devices. These security devices can add an extra layer of protection to your coop and run.

The safety of your chickens depends on a combination of a secure structure and vigilant care. By following these tips, you can create a predator-proof environment for your chickens and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your flock is safe.

Predator-Proof Chicken Coops FAQs

For those new to chicken-keeping, we have included some additional information that people frequently ask about securing their chicken environment.

1. Why Is Hardware Cloth Preferred Over Chicken Wire?

Hardware cloth is more robust and durable than chicken wire. It’s difficult for predators to tear or chew through, making it a safer choice for protecting your chickens. Chicken wire can be used as an additional layer of protection, but it should not be the only barrier between your chickens and potential threats.

2. What Is A 2-Step Lock, And Why Is It Important?

A 2-step lock requires two separate actions to open. This type of lock is more secure than a simple latch, which intelligent predators like raccoons can easily open.

3. Why Is It Important To Cover The Chicken Run?

Covering the chicken run is important to protect your chickens from airborne threats like hawks, owls, and other birds of prey. These predators can swoop down into an uncovered run and harm your chickens.

4. What Maintenance Is Required For A Chicken Coop And Run?

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your coop and run secure. This includes checking for any signs of weakening due to wear and tear or potential risk spots where a predator could gain entry and repairing them promptly.

5. What Are Some Alternative Predator Deterrents I Can Use?

There are various predator deterrents available on the market, from motion-activated lights to ultrasonic devices. These devices are useful in some circumstances and can add an additional component of security and safety to your coop and run.

6. What Predators Are Most Likely To Attack My Chickens?

The predators that pose a threat to your chickens can vary depending on your location. Common predators include foxes, raccoons, hawks, owls, and weasels. Domestic cats and dogs can also threaten your chickens.

7. Can I Move My Chicken Coop And Run Once It’s Set Up?

Whether you can move your chicken coop and run depends on how they were constructed. Some coops and runs are designed to be portable, while others are more permanent structures.

If you think you might need to move your coop and run in the future, consider this when planning their construction.


Building a predator-proof chicken coop and run is an essential part of raising chickens. It provides your flock with a safe and comfortable environment and gives you peace of mind knowing that your chickens are protected from potential threats.

The key to a successful predator-proof chicken coop and run lies in careful planning, quality materials, and regular maintenance. With these in place, you can look forward to many years of joy and satisfaction from raising chickens.


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