Storing Potatoes Long Term [TOP TIPS]

Potatoes are a useful crop for homesteaders to grow or to keep long-term as a durable food source that can increase self-sufficiency and food security. Storing potatoes long-term requires some insider knowledge to extend the life of this crop as long as possible and ensure you can eat homegrown potatoes all year round.

Potatoes can be stored for 6 to 8 months if they are stored in a location where light, moisture, and humidity can be controlled within the necessary limits to extend the storage life. Ventilation and the container used to store the potatoes are also important aspects for long-term storage.

Whether you’re a home gardener with a bountiful harvest or a consumer who likes to buy in bulk, understanding how to store potatoes long-term can help you make the most of this valuable crop. It can save you money, reduce food waste, and ensure you always have fresh, tasty potatoes on hand for your next meal.

How To Store Potatoes Long Term

Potatoes are a staple in many households worldwide, especially for homesteaders and backyard growers. They are versatile, nutritious, and can be used in a myriad of recipes.

Potatoes are tubers, the thickened parts of the underground stems of certain plants. They are designed by nature to provide nutrition to the plant during periods of dormancy. This is why they are packed with nutrients, including carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

One common challenge that many people face is storing potatoes for the long term. If not stored properly, potatoes can quickly deteriorate, leading to waste and disappointment.

Several factors can contribute to the success or failure of storing potatoes long-term, and we will discuss each of these aspects to provide you with the knowledge to extend the shelf-life of your potatoes.

Following a few basic steps, you can ensure your potatoes stay fresh and delicious for months.

Choosing The Right Storage Containers

When it comes to storing potatoes long-term, choosing the right storage containers to protect their freshness and prevent spoilage is crucial.

Several container options, such as wooden crates, mesh bags, or plastic bins, are available. Wooden crates provide excellent ventilation and moisture control, allowing air to circulate around the potatoes and preventing them from becoming damp.

Mesh bags are also a good option as they allow for proper airflow, keeping the potatoes dry and preventing rot. Plastic bins, on the other hand, are more durable and can offer better pest prevention.

Ventilation requirements are essential when selecting a storage container for potatoes. Potatoes need proper airflow to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to rotting.

Containers with slits or holes allow air to circulate, keeping the potatoes fresh and extending their storage life. Without adequate ventilation, the potatoes can become damp and develop mold or bacteria, ruining the entire batch.

Moisture control is another crucial factor to consider. Potatoes should be stored in a dry environment to prevent sprouting and decay.

Containers with built-in moisture control features, such as adjustable vents or absorbent materials, can help maintain the ideal humidity level. It’s important to avoid storing potatoes in high-humidity areas, as this can promote spoilage.

Additionally, keeping the potatoes away from direct sunlight is essential to prevent them from turning green and becoming toxic.

With the right storage containers in place, you can now move on to preparing potatoes for storage. By following a few simple steps, like cleaning them thoroughly, allowing them to dry completely, and inspecting for any signs of damage, you can ensure that your potatoes are ready for long-term storage.

Preparing Potatoes For Storage

Preparing potatoes properly before stashing them away is crucial to keep them fresh for months. Inspection of the potatoes is the first step in preparing these tubers for storage.

Choose potatoes that are free from any signs of sprouting or green patches. These can indicate the presence of a toxin called solanine, which can be harmful if consumed in large quantities.

Next, make sure to remove any dirt or debris from the potatoes. This can be done by gently brushing them with a soft brush or using a damp cloth. Removing the dirt helps keep the potatoes clean and prevents the potential growth of bacteria and mold that can cause them to spoil.

After cleaning the potatoes, it’s important to dry them thoroughly. Excess moisture can lead to rotting, so allow the potatoes to air dry for a few hours before storing them. This can be done by spreading them out on a clean towel or tray in a cool, well-ventilated area.

Once the potatoes are dry, consider using breathable bags for storage. These bags allow air circulation, which helps to prevent moisture buildup and keeps the potatoes fresh for longer. Avoid plastic bags or container types that trap moisture and promote decay.

Do not store potatoes with other fruits and vegetables, such as apples, bananas, or onions, as the ethylene gas released by these products will cause the potatoes to sprout or rot.

With your potatoes properly prepared and ready for storage, it’s time to cure them and find the ideal location to keep them fresh for the months to come.

How To Cure Potatoes For Long-Term Storage

Curing is an important step in preparing potatoes for long-term storage. This process helps to toughen up the skin of the potatoes, heal minor cuts or bruises, and reduce the chances of rot during storage.

The following are the main reasons why curing potatoes before long-term storage is a good idea.

  • Toughens the skin. Curing helps to thicken the skin of the potatoes, providing a natural barrier against spoilage and disease.
  • Heals damage. If your potatoes have minor cuts or bruises from harvesting, curing can help these areas heal, reducing the chances of bacteria or fungi entering the potato during storage.
  • Reduces moisture. Curing also helps to reduce the moisture content on the surface of the potatoes, which can help prevent mold and mildew during storage.

How To Cure Potatoes

Curing the potatoes is a relatively simple process, but the conditions for curing are slightly different from those for storage.

  • Clean the potatoes. After harvesting your potatoes, gently brush off any excess soil. Do not wash them; moisture can lead to mold growth during curing.
  • Spread out the potatoes. Spread your potatoes out in a single layer in a cool, dark, well-ventilated place. Avoid piling them on top of each other, leading to moisture buildup and rot.
  • Leave the potatoes to cure. Leave your potatoes to cure for about 10 to 14 days. During this time, try not to disturb them too much, as this can damage their skin and interrupt the curing process.

Once the potatoes have cured, they are ready for long-term storage.

Potato Curing Conditions

The ideal conditions for curing potatoes are a temperature of about 50°F to 60°F or 10°C to 15.5°C  and high humidity of about 90%. These conditions help to slow the potatoes’ respiration rate, reducing moisture loss and helping the skin to toughen up.

Remember, curing is only one part of the storage process. After your potatoes have been cured, they should be stored in a location suitable for long-term storage to preserve them and keep them fresh for as long as possible.

Finding The Ideal Storage Location

Once your potatoes are ready, you must find the perfect spot to keep them fresh for months on end. The following are the main location considerations to keep your potatoes fresh and tasty for months.

Optimal storage conditions are crucial to preventing sprouting and maintaining potato freshness. Here are some key factors to consider when finding the ideal storage location.

  • Darkness: Potatoes are photosensitive, meaning they can turn green and produce solanine when exposed to light. Store your potatoes in a dark place, such as a cellar or pantry, to avoid this. Keep them away from windows or areas with direct sunlight.
  • Proper ventilation: Potatoes release moisture as they age, so storing them in a well-ventilated area is important. This prevents excess humidity and helps maintain their freshness. Avoid storing them in plastic bags or airtight containers, as this can trap moisture and lead to rot.
  • Providing the ideal temperature and humidity: This aspect is crucial to storing potatoes long-term, and we cover this topic in detail in the next section
  • Avoid common storage mistakes: When choosing a storage location, ensure it is free from ethylene-producing fruits like apples, as they can cause potatoes to sprout prematurely. Additionally, check regularly for spoiled or rotting potatoes, as one bad potato can quickly spoil the rest.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be on your way to successful long-term storage of your potatoes. Next, we’ll discuss managing temperature and humidity levels to further ensure their freshness and prevent spoilage.

Managing Temperature And Humidity Levels

Ensure your potatoes stay cool and dry to preserve their freshness and prevent spoilage. Controlling moisture levels is crucial in storing potatoes long term.

Moisture can cause potatoes to rot or sprout, so keeping them in a well-ventilated area with low humidity is important.

Make sure to store them in a dry place, away from any sources of moisture, such as leaky pipes, steam, or damp basements. Proper ventilation will help prevent condensation buildup and reduce the risk of mold or bacterial growth.

Temperature is another crucial metric to consider in your potato storage area. The ideal temperature of 45 to 50°F or 7 to 10°C should be maintained as constant as possible throughout the storage duration.

If the temperature rises above 60°F or 15.5°C, the potatoes will start “greening” and begin to sprout. If the temperature drops below freezing, the potatoes can split and begin to rot when they thaw.

Keep Pests Away From Stored Potatoes

Managing pests and diseases is another key aspect of storing potatoes. Pests like rodents and insects can quickly ruin your stash, so it’s important to take preventive measures.

Regularly inspect your storage area for any signs of pests and take immediate action if you find any. Additionally, keep an eye out for any signs of diseases such as rot or mold. If you notice any infected potatoes, remove them from the storage immediately to prevent the spread of the disease.

Handle Stored Potatoes With Care

Extending potato shelf life can be achieved through proper handling techniques. Avoid rough handling or dropping potatoes, as they can bruise easily.

Bruised potatoes are more susceptible to rot and spoilage. Instead, handle them gently and store them in a cool, dark place. This will help to prolong their shelf life and maintain their quality.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your potatoes stay fresh and delicious for an extended period.

Regularly Checking And Sorting Potatoes

As you focus on managing temperature and humidity levels, controlling pests and diseases, and handling your potatoes properly, it’s also important to regularly check and sort them.

This will help you identify any potatoes that are starting to spoil or show signs of rot. By promptly removing these potatoes from your storage, you can prevent the spread of spoilage and ensure that the rest of your stash remains in good condition.

Regularly check and sort your spuds to maintain their freshness and quality. Proper potato checking and sorting are crucial in preventing spoilage and maximizing their freshness.

Avoid dropping or rough handling, as this can cause bruises and cuts, leading to spoilage. When sorting your potatoes, remove any damaged or rotten ones immediately to prevent them from contaminating the rest.

Additionally, separate any sprouting or green potatoes, as they can release a harmful substance called solanine. Look for soft spots, mold, or an off-putting odor, as these are indicators of rotting. Removing these potatoes promptly is important to prevent the spread of spoilage to the rest of your stored crop.

Properly handling and sorting your potatoes can ensure that only the freshest and highest quality ones are stored for the long term.

Monitor The Storage Conditions

Maintaining the right storage conditions and monitoring the storage environment are essential for maximizing potato freshness.

Avoid storing them near onions or apples, as these fruits release gases that can accelerate spoilage or sprouting. Regularly check the temperature and humidity in the storage area to ensure they remain within the recommended range.

Regularly inspect your storage area to ensure the ideal conditions persist to ensure the best possible results for long-term potato storage.

Nothing is worse than storing your potatoes correctly only to realize that a pipe has developed a leak, or a furnace has kicked in, and the conditions in your storage area have changed and caused your potatoes to spoil.

Proper potato handling, preventing spoilage, and maximizing potato freshness are essential for long-term storage. By following these tips and avoiding common storage mistakes, you can ensure that your stored potatoes remain fresh and high-quality for an extended period.

Regularly checking and sorting your potatoes will help you maintain their freshness and enjoy their deliciousness whenever you decide to use them.

What Are The Best Potatoes For Long-Term Storage?

While all potatoes can be stored for a certain period, some varieties are better suited for long-term storage than others.

The best potatoes for long-term storage are typically those with thicker skins and lower moisture content. Here are a few varieties that are known for their storage capabilities:

  • Russet Potatoes. Russet potatoes are one of the best varieties for long-term storage. Their thick skin and low moisture content make them less prone to rotting and sprouting. They are also versatile in cooking, making them a great choice to have on hand.
  • Kennebec Potatoes. Kennebec potatoes are another good option for long-term storage. They have a thick skin and are resistant to many common potato diseases.
  • Yukon Gold Potatoes: While Yukon Gold potatoes have a thinner skin than Russets or Kennebecs, they are known for their long shelf life. Their balanced starch content helps them maintain their texture over time.
  • Katahdin Potatoes. Katahdin potatoes are a popular choice for storage because of their disease resistance and good shelf life. They also have a pleasant texture and flavor that holds up well over time.

When choosing potatoes for long-term storage, look for firm potatoes, free from cuts or bruises, and show no signs of disease or insect damage. Smaller potatoes tend to sprout faster than larger ones, so if you have a choice, opt for larger potatoes for storage.

Remember, even the best potatoes for storage must be stored under the right conditions to stay fresh. Keep them in a cool, dark, well-ventilated place and check them regularly for signs of sprouting or rot.

Key Takeaways For Long-Term Potato Storage

While there is a lot to think about and consider for long-term potato storage, we can break the principles down into some basic key takeaways that will get you started.

Keeping these basics in mind will help you to store your potatoes longer than your thought possible.

  • Store your potatoes in a well-ventilated, cool, dark area
  • Avoid storing potatoes near onions or apples
  • Choose the right container
  • Regularly check temperature and humidity levels in the storage area
  • Regularly inspect stored potatoes for signs of spoilage and promptly remove any spoiled potatoes

Frequently Asked Questions

We encounter some common questions regarding long-term potato storage, and we have addressed these here to offer a complete understanding for those looking to try storing their potatoes.

How Long Can Potatoes Be Stored?

It may seem hard to believe, but potatoes can be stored for 6-8 months with the right preparation and storage methods!

Factors that will affect storage time are the consistency of the conditions and the type of potatoes being stored. Store them in a cool, dark place with good ventilation to keep them fresh. Avoid washing them before storage, and check for any spoiled ones regularly.

Can I Store Different Types Of Potatoes Together?

Yes, you can store different types of potatoes together. Use breathable containers like burlap bags or wooden crates to ensure optimal storage conditions, prevent sprouting, and manage humidity levels. Regularly inspect them to maintain freshness.

Is It Necessary To Wash The Potatoes Before Storing Them?

Washing potatoes before long-term storage is unnecessary, but the potatoes should be cleaned with a slightly damp cloth or a soft brush.

This cleaning removes soil and other dirt from the surface of the potato, which could encourage bacteria growth during storage, retain moisture, or encourage the potato to sprout.

Can I Use Plastic Bags To Store Potatoes?

Plastic bags are not the best option for storing potatoes long-term. Instead, try using a cardboard box, a paper bag, or a wood crate stored in a dark and well-ventilated space like a cellar or pantry.

Prevent sprouting by keeping them away from light and humidity. Properly prepare potatoes by gently brushing off dirt before storing them.

Can I Store Potatoes In The Refrigerator?

Looking to store potatoes without compromising their quality? While refrigeration is an option for short-term storage, alternative storage methods yield better long-term results. Learn the best temperatures, effects on quality, tips for preventing sprouting, and proper preparation for long-term storage.


Storing potatoes long-term is not difficult and can help you extend the life of your crop or improve your food storage activities. By choosing the right storage containers and preparing your potatoes properly, you can ensure their freshness and taste for months to come.

With these tips and tricks, you can store your potatoes confidently and enjoy the convenience of having them readily available whenever you need them. Learning to store potatoes is a required skill for homesteaders and backyard growers to extend the shelf life of their potato crop and have this valuable food source available all year!



Alice is a writer who grew up on a beautiful homestead in rural Old England. She now lives in New England with her fur babies and is on a mission to return to the land for a simpler, greener, and all-round kinder existence.

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