Tips For Raising Turkeys On The Homestead

Many beginner homesteaders do not consider raising turkeys from the outset, but these birds are worthy of consideration for many reasons. Raising turkeys can be a beneficial and sustainable way of introducing poultry to your homestead. Nurturing turkeys, from poults to full-grown birds, has grown significantly in popularity among homesteaders. While chickens often dominate the poultry landscape on the homestead, turkeys offer unique benefits and challenges that are distinctively their own.

Turkeys are an excellent option for raising poultry for meat on the homestead. Many breeds are hardier than most other poultry varieties despite the challenges of raising young poults. The quantity of meat produced per bird makes them an important food or income source for homesteaders.

We will discuss why these birds are becoming a popular homestead poultry choice and why you should consider adding them to your livestock-raising activities. While turkey may not suit all situations, they offer many benefits over keeping other poultry, which may suit your homesteading ideals.

Raising Turkeys On The Homestead

Turkeys are excellent foragers, which means they play a pivotal role in natural pest control, reducing the need for chemical intervention. Their foraging habits also lead to soil aeration, which can enhance the fertility and health of the land. Turkeys, especially heritage breeds, are hardy birds with natural resistance to certain diseases, reducing reliance on medications and resulting in healthier, more organic meat, which is a positive sustainable aspect of these birds.

From an economic perspective, turkeys can be a profitable venture for homesteaders. Their meat, particularly from free-range or pasture-raised systems, is in high demand due to the bird’s rich flavor and superior texture. Turkeys also provide other products like feathers, which can be used for crafting or sold for additional income.

One of the first aspects to consider before deciding To keep turkeys on the homestead is selecting the right breed for your location.

Understanding Turkey Breeds

One of the first decisions is selecting the right turkey breed for your homestead. Turkeys come in various breeds, each with differing characteristics, benefits, and challenges. Several main turkey breeds are popular among homesteaders: the Broad Breasted White and Bronze Broad Breasted Orlopp and the barnyard heritage breeds, with a spotlight on Royal Palm turkey hens.

1. Broad Breasted White and Bronze Broad Breasted Orlopp Turkeys

These breeds are known for their impressive size and rapid growth rate, making them a popular choice for those looking to raise turkeys for meat in a shorter timeframe.

CharacteristicBroad Breasted WhiteBronze Broad Breasted Orlopp
AppearanceWhite feathers, large breastDark feathers with a metallic sheen, robust build
Growth RateFast-growing, reaching market weight quicklySlightly slower than the White, but still fast-growing
TemperamentDocile, easy to manageGenerally calm, but can be more active than the White
PurposePrimarily raised for meatMeat production, with a richer flavor profile

2. Barnyard Heritage Breed Turkeys

Heritage breeds are traditional breeds raised by farmers and homesteaders for generations. They grow at a slower rate than commercial breeds but are known for their hardiness, longevity, and ability to reproduce naturally.

Royal Palm Turkeys are a prime example of heritage breeds; the Royal Palm is known for its striking black and white feather pattern. They are smaller than commercial breeds, but what they lack in size, they make up for in personality and foraging ability.

CharacteristicRoyal Palm Turkey Hens
AppearanceBlack and white feather pattern, medium-size
Growth RateModerate, in line with most heritage breeds
TemperamentActive, curious, and excellent foragers
PurposeMeat, but also kept for their ornamental value and foraging abilities.

The choice of turkey breed largely depends on the goals of the homesteader. Whether prioritizing rapid meat production or valuing the traditional and sustainable approach of heritage breeds, understanding each breed is vital to selecting the right bird for your conditions and goals.

Starting A Brooder For The Homestead

The initial stages of a turkey’s life are crucial, and much of its early development takes place in a controlled environment known as a brooder. A brooder is a nursery for young poultry designed to provide them with the warmth, safety, and nutrition they need during their first weeks.

The following are the main brooder concepts you must know when raising turkeys.

A brooder is a contained space equipped with a heat source, bedding, food, and water. It’s designed to mimic the warmth and protection a mother bird would provide, ensuring the young birds (poults in the case of turkeys) remain healthy and thrive.

  • Heat Source: Young turkeys require consistent warmth. Heat lamps are commonly used, but it’s essential to ensure they are securely fastened to prevent accidents. The temperature should start at around 95°F (35°C) during the first week and be reduced by 5°F each week afterward.
  • Bedding: Pine shavings are a popular choice for bedding as they are absorbent and help control odor. The bedding should be changed regularly to keep the environment clean.
  • Food and Water: Provide constant access to starter feed formulated for turkeys. Fresh water should always be available, and it’s beneficial to add electrolytes and probiotics to support their developing digestive systems.
  • Space: As the poults grow, they’ll need more space to move around. Ensure the brooder is spacious enough to accommodate their growth and prevent overcrowding.

The following management aspects of raising turkeys require understanding, especially for homesteaders without experience raising these birds.

  • Teaching Poults to Eat: Turkeys aren’t the brightest birds on the homestead, especially in their early days. Having a few chicks in the brooder is often beneficial, as they can teach the poults essential behaviors, like eating and drinking.
  • Temperature Regulation: Maintaining the right temperature is crucial. Too cold, and the poults can become chilled and stressed; too hot, and they can become overheated. Regularly monitor the temperature and observe the birds’ behavior. If they’re huddled under the heat source, they’re cold; if they’re at the edges of the brooder, they might be too warm.
  • Health Monitoring: Be vigilant for signs of illness or distress, such as lethargy, puffiness, or lack of appetite. Early intervention measures can make a significant difference in outcomes.

Safety And Protection For Your Turkeys

Like other poultry, turkeys are susceptible to various threats, ranging from predators to diseases. The following is a guide to safeguarding your flock and ensuring they thrive in a secure environment.

  • Overhead Netting: Overhead netting is a popular choice among homesteaders. The netting acts as a physical barrier to protect turkeys from aerial predators.
  • Secure Housing: Ensure your turkey housing is robust and free from gaps or holes. Regularly inspect the brooder for signs of wear and tear or potential entry points for predators.
  • Guard Animals: Dogs, llamas, and even geese can act as effective guardians for your turkey flock, deterring potential threats and alerting you to any disturbances.
  • Regular Health Checks: Monitor your turkeys regularly for signs of illness or distress. Early detection can lead to more effective intervention measures.
  • Vaccinations: Consider vaccinating your turkeys depending on your region and the prevalent diseases. Consult with a local veterinarian for guidance.
  • Biosecurity Measures: Limit the exposure of your flock to outside birds or visitors. Ensure cleanliness in and around the turkey housing, and consider setting up footbaths with disinfectants at entry points.
  • Weather Protection: Turkeys are sensitive to extreme weather conditions. Provide shade during hot weather and ensure adequate warmth during colder months.
  • Safe Foraging: If you allow your turkeys to free range, ensure the area is free from toxic plants or potential hazards like open water sources where they could drown.

The Free Range Turkey Advantage

Adopting a free-range approach to raising turkeys benefits the birds, the environment, and the meat quality. Free-ranging allows turkeys to exhibit natural behavior, forage for a diverse diet, and enjoy a higher quality of life.

The following is a closer look at the advantages of free-ranging your turkeys.

  • Instinctual Activities: Free-ranging allows turkeys to scratch, peck, forage, and roam, fulfilling their natural instincts and promoting psychological well-being.
  • Social Interaction: In a free-range setting, turkeys can establish social hierarchies, interact with flock mates, and engage in communal activities, fostering a harmonious environment.
  • Varied Diet: Foraging allows turkeys to consume diverse foods, from insects and worms to various plants and seeds. This varied diet can enhance their nutritional intake.
  • Reduced Need for Supplements: Access to natural food sources might reduce the need for dietary supplements, leading to more organic and natural growth.
  • Soil Enrichment: As turkeys forage, they naturally till the soil and contribute to its aeration. Their droppings act as natural fertilizers, enriching the land.
  • Pest Control: Turkeys can help control pests by consuming insects, larvae, and even small rodents, reducing the need for chemical pest control methods.
  • Flavor and Texture: Many advocates of free-ranging believe that it results in meat with a richer flavor and firmer texture, owing to the varied diet and active lifestyle of the birds.
  • Nutritional Profile: Free-range turkeys often have better omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratios and higher levels of certain vitamins, making their meat nutritionally superior.

While free-ranging offers numerous advantages, it’s essential to be aware of potential challenges, such as increased vulnerability to predators and the need for secure nighttime housing. Regular monitoring and a well-thought-out, free-ranging strategy can help mitigate these challenges.

Breeding And Lifecycle Of Turkeys

Understanding the breeding process and the lifecycle of turkeys is essential for any homesteader aiming to sustainably raise these birds.

Mating And Reproduction

Turkeys have a distinct mating ritual. The tom (male turkey) will display by puffing up his feathers, fanning out his tail, and making distinctive sounds to attract the hen (female turkey).

Typically, the mating season for turkeys is in the spring. During this time, it’s common to observe more displays and interactions between toms and hens. After mating, hens will begin to lay eggs. A nest is usually made in a secluded spot, and a hen can lay one egg per day until she has a clutch of about 10-15 eggs.

Incubation And Hatching

Some hens will naturally incubate their eggs, sitting on them for about 28 days until they hatch. During this period, the hen rarely leaves the nest and relies on stored fat for nourishment.

It is not uncommon for turkey hens to abandon eggs once they have been laid. In this instance, homesteaders can use incubators to hatch eggs. This method allows for more control over temperature and humidity, ensuring optimal hatching conditions.

Early Life – The Poult Stage

Once hatched, the young turkeys are referred to as poults. They are fragile at this stage and require warmth, nutrition, and protection. As discussed earlier, poults spend their initial weeks in a brooder, where they receive the necessary care and protection.

Growth And Development

After the brooder phase, turkeys enter the juvenile stage, growing rapidly and developing their distinctive features. This phase lasts until they are about five months old.

Turkeys typically reach maturity at around seven months. From this point, they can reproduce and be integrated into the breeding cycle.

Harvest And Lifespan

The harvest time can vary for those raising turkeys for meat based on the breed and desired weight. Broad-breasted varieties are often ready for harvest earlier than heritage breeds.

If not raised for meat, turkeys can live for several years. Heritage breeds, in particular, have a longer lifespan, often living up to 5-7 years or more.

Heritage Turkeys: A Sustainable Choice

These are traditional breeds, often passed down through generations, and are a far cry from the commercial breeds that dominate the market today. Raising heritage turkeys is not just a nod to tradition; it’s a sustainable and ethical choice that offers numerous benefits.

Here’s why heritage turkeys are a commendable choice for the homesteader:

  • Preservation of Genetics: Heritage breeds represent a genetic pool developed over centuries. By raising these breeds, homesteaders contribute to preserving these unique genetic traits.
  • Slower Growth Rate: Unlike commercial breeds that are bred for rapid growth, heritage turkeys grow at a natural pace. This slower growth often results in stronger skeletal structures and better overall health.
  • Natural Reproduction: Heritage turkeys can mate naturally, without human intervention, ensuring a sustainable breeding cycle.
  • Disease Resistance: Over generations, heritage breeds have developed resistance to certain diseases, making them hardier and less reliant on medications.
  • Longer Lifespan: Heritage turkeys often have a longer lifespan than commercial breeds, with some living up to 7-10 years.
  • Flavor Profile: Many enthusiasts claim heritage turkeys offer a richer, more nuanced flavor than commercial breeds.
  • Texture: The meat of heritage turkeys is often firmer and has a distinct texture, making it a favorite for special occasions and gourmet dishes.
  • Ethical Rearing: Heritage turkeys are often raised in free-range or pasture-raised systems, ensuring a higher quality of life.
  • Environmental Impact: Raising heritage breeds can have a lower environmental footprint, especially when integrated into a permaculture or holistic farming system.

While heritage turkeys may require a slightly different approach compared to commercial breeds, the quality, taste, and environmental impact rewards are well worth the effort.

Essential Turkey Reads For Homesteaders

In my journey with keeping turkeys on the homestead, a couple of books have provided invaluable information and been resources that benefited my turkey rearing dramatically. I would be remiss if I did not recommend these books to other homesteaders seeking to learn more about this topic.

1. “Pastured Poultry Profits” by Joel Salatin

Joel Salatin, often dubbed the “lunatic farmer,” offers a comprehensive guide on raising poultry on pasture. While the book primarily focuses on chickens, the same principles and techniques can also be applied to turkeys.

Key Takeaways from the book:

  • Benefits of pasture-raised poultry for both the birds and the land.
  • Practical tips on managing poultry on pasture, from brooding to processing.
  • Economic insights into making a profitable venture out of pastured poultry.

2. “The Small-Scale Poultry Flock” by Harvey Ussery

This book provides an all-natural approach to raising chickens and other poultry birds, emphasizing holistic practices and self-reliance.

Key Takeaways from the book:

  • Detailed guidance on poultry housing, feed, and health care.
  • Strategies for breeding, incubation, and brooding.
  • Insights into integrating poultry into a permaculture-based homestead.

3. “Storey’s Guide to Raising Turkeys” by Don Schrider

A definitive guide on raising turkeys, this book covers everything from breeds and breeding to feeding, housing, and health care.

Key Takeaways from the book:

  • Comprehensive information on various turkey breeds.
  • Tips on managing and preventing common turkey health issues.
  • Guidance on processing turkeys for meat and marketing strategies for those looking to sell.

These books serve as foundational texts for anyone keen on poultry raising on the homestead. They offer a blend of practical advice, scientific insights, and time-tested wisdom.


Raising turkeys on the homestead should be considered as a poultry alternative due to the tradition and sustainability aspect of raising these birds. The main downside is that turkeys are predominantly meat birds, but they produce substantially more meat than other poultry livestock options.

Whether you’re drawn to the historical significance of heritage breeds, the ethical stance of free-ranging, or the intricacies of the turkey breeding process, there’s no denying the satisfaction that comes from raising these majestic birds on the homestead.


Owen Jung

Owen is the co-founder of Our Daily Homestead. Own grew up in his parent's homestead in Illinois and learned all things gardening, sustainability, and off-grid living while he was young. He now shares his knowledge through this website.

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